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Posts posted by garbla900

  1. I'd love it if someone could gimme a hand and let me see theres so I could see if mine is operating fine, but that geen plug that's allready in the housing is not for that green plug coming from the wiring. The one with the green plug from the wiring is for another sensor that is attached to the top pipe for the radiator. The green plug in the housing shouldn't be there it's a sorta rounded triangle one???? That sound right?

  2. Can I do it long term or just until I manage to source one? And regards to the gt thermostat I have no clue? I was told it was a glanza one cause mine went walkies somewhere and didn't even send me a postcard lol is it a gt one? Do I need to do more for the sensors?

  3. Right lads I've semi got it me thinks, it's the 98/99 fan switch that attaches on to the thermostat housing to radiator top pipe, I'll post pics when I get in from work about 3 this afternoon. This is the only thing keeping my baby from the open road so I'm if any one can help me out I'd be very appreciative,

    Thanks in advance lads

  4. Right the sensor from Micky boy was a match to the one I needed. I'm also needing the cuts sensor for a 99 glanza that's the green one that connects to to the rad hose mine has one fly lead coming from it and from looking in to it this is a hard one to find, ill post pic of what I got in the morning so there is no doubt I got the right one, cheers in advance guys

  5. Someone emailed me pending his reply I have a full set thanks very much guys for the fast reply as a always, bucket no I have it back this was outside my house whilst I was on night shift the little fuckers made a right mess of the cowling and they tried to nick my DVD player to but in doing that the smacked my carbon center consol fucking healing about that as well cause I can't afford to replace it grrrrrrr

  6. Hi guys,

    I'm looking for a lock set and and ignigtion barrel preferably with the green ring on it for the ignigtion barell, some filthy little bastard tried to steal my pride and joy last night and poped a lock and made a right mess of the inside but I need it secure ASAP. Know where I can get a full set anyone?

    Cheers in advance

  7. I've just got a second hand thermostat housing after mine cracked and it has no sensors that fit my wiring and I should checked before I got rid of the old one but now I need the 2 sensors that are on it. How can I figure out what ones I need and where can I get them as I have no clue about sensors at all,

    Thanks in advance guys

  8. Hi I'm just re-doing my engine and I don't know the cylinder head torque down sequence. I'm also needing a guide to redo my engine timing. Even if someone can point me in the right directions it would be much appreciaterd. Thanks in advance Garbla900

  9. it was a standard on alot of toyota around the same year it's deffo for the stalk controls ( i managed to dig out the one that came in my starlet when i first got it back in the day) yeah the s/w controls are the only thing that can go in there as it is an in port but is a contoling in not for ading audio in. hope this helps

  10. i know it sounds daft cause im ingaged to one but woman are evil bribes of the flesh if the not after material things there wanting you to do things for them so they can sit and do nothing. think of them as cats. they are more than capable of doing everything a dog can do but they choose not to cause they feel iots benith them. they prance around,sleep when they want to and only come to you when they want somthing and as soon as you want somthing it's not allowed how many times have woman puled the gender card out on you or heard somthing like "i'm tired lets do this insted" or another famous line " can you just do this wee thing for me or buy this we thing for me " usually 3 figures. end of the day matey if she is making you feel down about this is she worth it really. u gave her several years of your life and this is how she repays you by texting possibly seeing you so called mate? thats not what mates do it's an unwritten rule. if i were you id speak to both of them see what there intentions are but if she has gone as far a changing her facebook and texting your mate it could one of 2 things in my mind.

    1. shes either boared and is thinking about leaving

    2. shes is really boared and wants to make you jelous to make you come running to her ( with the whole txting your mate and changing her status)

    2. she is probing you to see how your relationship stands up. i had a girl do that to me once and when i broke it off she claims she was heart broken yeah really heart broken considering she fucked up and sent me a naughty message with somone elses name in it

    lets face it thou mate you need to what feels right for you i did that and like ai said at the start im getting engaged at the end of the year. do what your gut tells you to do and if it's fart re group and come up with a better plan. keep the chin up mate the are always more out there and if this is one do what ever you need to to make her relise that and screw what other people think of that.

    hope that helps bud

  11. hi guys and gals,

    ive got a n/a that i was going to change my destroyed turbo head for but i dont have the buckets (the bits the cams push for the valves) for the turbo cylinder head but i do have the cams and cam carriers (the bits that bolt the cams to the head from the top) will that make a differance or will i need to get new and get them matched. ive got a head on it at the moment from a questionable sorce and i think its either cracked or that the buckets arent right. if the buckets arent right would that be able to cause a leak in the head? when i turn mine over within 5 seconds the lovley fresh oil i put in turnes to carmel and milk? any ideas as this is giving me a head ache (get it head ache lol)

    any help much appreciated

  12. unfortunatly i work in the milton in glasgow thats a regular occurance for me but it usually alot les experianced 12 yearsolds behind the wheel. i was sickened the other day to come across one of the guys mint ek9 type r burnt out after some gutless fuck took it for a joyride and then torched it to get rid of the evidance. sikining if some one did that to my beast there is no telling what i would do to them.

  13. ive been learnig for about 3 months now and im getting not to bad at it. the way i learned was human english for my ipod..... i know sounds rediculos but it was 4 quid and it speaks to you so that you get the right pronounciation and everything. and they dont really have an alphabet as such i.e there is no english equivilent. they use sound i.e "you" is written anata but pronounanced uh-NAH-tuh and car is kurma pronounced kuh-RU-mah must admit im finding it hard as the language of beer is taking over lol

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