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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hello all I have been a member of the forum for many years and always enjoyed the meets and shows we used to attend still have my glanza which is off road due to life etc. i know most of us have busy lives and also the likes of facebook groups have made it easier to get information which sometimes is massively wrong. i have found by looking through here and the other forum that the information provided when members asked was better and also more accurate. so i was wondering that maybe some of us old guard try and look at a revival and to work with company's in the scene a
  3. Last week
  4. Another weekend and another car show this one saw me take the starlet to Co Tyrone a 530 km round trip VID_37481021_184711_810.mp4
  5. Earlier
  6. So second year to attend ae86 fest in ireland if you guys like twin cams make the journey across the pond next year its something you have got to witness in person and to take home best jap ๐Ÿ† at an event of this calibre blew my mind
  7. Turned out to be the lambda sensor, new one fixed it, but then two weeks later the worst thing happened. Sheโ€™s been wrote off by an idiot.
  8. What would be the pros/cons plus parts required to turbo the 4e versus chucking a 5e in her? Does the 5e just need the engine and a 5e engine management and bobs your uncle?
  9. She looks sad ๐Ÿ˜ช Finally got a passenger door! Just need to fit it ๐Ÿคฃ que wonky door ๐Ÿคช Been in for new discs and pads and had rear bearings done. In for MOT on 2nd Sept ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
  10. Awesome work buddy, only the best
  11. think this latest purchase could be my greatest yet jam racing fiberglass bonnet hens teeth possibly the only one in ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช the build quality is unreal it only weights 5kg
  12. Hi guys I wonder does anyone have any information on the at would love to see it or hear about it , Iโ€™ve sent a pm to the user hopefully they see it . Would love to buy it back
  13. Hi Iโ€™ve sent you a message
  14. 16 years later lol ๐Ÿ˜† anyone had much success with straight cut gears from malta??
  15. Hawwy


    Is there a facebook page or something new guy here seems dead
  16. Brand new genuine livesports wings from japan bought them off Dylan East and I've a deposit put down on another really rare body part which I hope to pick up in 2 weeks
  17. Little progress update 20240721_171931.mp4 VID-20240723-WA0000.mp4 VID-20240719-WA0005.mp4
  18. Looking for pnp Jam preferred Thanks
  19. On one on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266865849757?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=v4dvYUK7Qd6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=V6FEwKxCRIm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  20. This is the glass from the JDM starlets with the UV glass it's etched into the corner it's in much better condition than mine so these will be going in You can really see the green unlike UK spec glass
  21. Been slowly plugging away got tyres fitted to the slip streem today in the form of Michelin Piot Sport 3s and fitted my oem side skirts till I get round to fitting and painting my livesports reps. Need to nut and bolt check the car then I think it's mot ready.
  22. what engine and ecu is in the car? 5efhe injectors in a 4efe without any tuning will probably run rich---if you have a 4efe, then reinstall the stock injectors for now and see if any changes failing that, check that your oxygen sensor is connected...also run a diagnostic for any codes.
  23. Continuing on with some of the smaller jobs, I have installed a TRD strut brace, TRD battery clamp and USDM rubberised boot floor mat, this covers all the way up the back of the seats too and has a stupidly large 86 logo on it! and the new video is here
  24. This was always my favourite forum back in the day and seems some of the old members I used to chat to at shows are still here, so here is an update on my current car journey. Here is my imported Japan-only TRD 14R, a road going version of the TRD 14R60 track car, modelled on the TRD Griffon that lapped Tsukuba in 0:58:407 with only aero and non-engine related mods. It has come with a few mods on it, the dealer-added TRD wing, LED light upgrades in the interior, feels like a TRD short shifter and i'll add anything else I come across. After over a year of ownership, I have
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