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Posts posted by ATRenshaw

  1. Let me just start off by saying sorry if this is wrong section..

    I've been a pretty big fan of UKSO for a while attending japfest etc and just general chat with owners. One of my friends owns a SR who pretty much got me into this.. I know off someone selling a sportif.. the problem I am facing is that this will be my first car however it has done 170,000 miles. The previous owner I know quite well and I know he has taken care of the car from when he had first brought it. (early last year). I can get the car at a very cheep price compared to what I would pay from a non friend. Do you think it would be a bad idea?

    I know quite a fair amount on how to maintain the car etc, I'm just worried if there will be any majour issue's. He says the tracking is a little out thats it and it will pass the MOT in September easy.

    Blue Startlet Sportif - 3 Door. Please tell me your own opinions thanks for the help!

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