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Posts posted by chrisholly

  1. Aha didn't know it had a tps not checked the butterfly it might be suck as been sat I'll update on tps and butterfly wen I finish work not checked

  2. Yep right

    Oil fuel everything on the car us new bar the engine and she'll and sensors and wires but all wires checked all new Vac pipes so no spilts

    All earth's are good and tested map sensor not been tested but have checked all since new ecu jam removed fcd and help the problem a little but not disconnected the battie all the timing is set from the.book all new cam belts dizzy and leds down to plugs are new

    The problem is the flatspot in mid range same place no change at all its always there little tourle is OK drives fine right at the top if I have my.foot right down don't wanna go anywhere fast till I lift of alittle

    New turbo aswell

  3. Hi my car drivers fine till it go's over. 0 into boost put my foot down feels like no midrange power till I lift my foot up off the peddle alittle and it pulls

    till I put my foot down more again

    Checked and tested

    map sensor


    Vac piles

    New plugs

    New leads

    New dizzy

    Everything to do with the ING


  4. Hi my car drivers fine till it go's over. 0 into boost put my foot down feels like no midrange power till I lift my foot up off the peddle alittle and it pulls abit till I put my foot down more again

    Checked and tested

    map sensor


    Vac piles

    New plugs

    New leads

    New dizzy

    Everything to do with the ING


  5. Hi when u drive my car its not pulling as it should if u put my foot right down it slow I bring it up slowly and it pulls really good for a minute till I put my foot right down again ;(

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