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Posts posted by Zippeee

  1. Yep I get the same sort of reaction. Even my bf (who has a crx vtec) is impressed.

    Mine is a 1.3 n/a - no modifications whatsoever. I myself was nicely surprised at the speed of it when I took it for a test drive, and I frequently get the open-mouthed shocked look from other drivers when I leave them in a proverbial cloud of dust.

    Love it.

    I will always try to own a Starlet now, even if I have other cars too.

  2. :p

    I've just enrolled at college this morning, needed 5 A-C's to get in though which I did get :p

    I'm doing AS level Art, IT, Combined English and Sociology :p

    Lol shocked eh? The time flies by, I can tell you. Don't laugh at anyone when they say don't waste a moment. Every second counts, believe me.

    Good luck for your future - sounds like it will be a bright one :p

  3. A few more shots

    Anybody guess that this car is a Cat C write off? It was rear end damage...

    Car looking very nice.

    Apologies if you already know this (feel free to tell me to shut up lol) - did you know that you can get the Cat C or D removed from a car's history if you get a check and certificate from a particular company who do chassis alignment once all the work's done (think there's one in Royston - there are 4 or 5 across the UK) - think it costs about £200. They put it on a jig and check it with a fine tooth comb. Worth it IMO. I'm trying to find the company name but not having much luck at the moment!!



  4. Hey people a lot of water to go under the bridge before next years JAE! Many things can happen!

    This year was meant to be THE YEAR to show off my boyfriends newly completed CRX at JAE, but a couple of weeks before-hand it all went tits-up when he crashed into a barrier :-(

    Having said that, I'm DEFINITELY planning on being there in my car! Lol!

  5. Welcome to zee club Fi, some of us were up Petersborough on July 22nd for the Jap show ;)

    For JAE? Yes I saw the stand... was too shy to speak to anyone though! Especially since I was in my old car so didn't really have anything to say lol

    Very handy living in Peterborough it is. B)

    Thanks for the welcome everyone - this has to be the friendliest forum ever!!

  6. Health hazard?! Lol!

    TBH I think the 17" alloys look a bit too big... I might go for some 15" ones someday but will get all the wear out of the new tyres (which are currently sitting in my hallway in a very lonely manner) and then consider it.

    What do you think of the changes to your car then? Looks so different!

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