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Posts posted by lukebrown4321

  1. Its a cast iron 4-2-1 manifold thats in 2 sections the 4-2 section has a lambda sensor hole then there is a separate 2-1 section think its from a toyota sera not a corolla

    extended the wire.its really easy and its a mono signal so it will be bang on with a stock piece of copper wireDONT run without lambda mate !!!!!

    Thanks will have a proper look at it tomorrow

  2. haven't driven it yet mate will go out abit later to try it, got to make a few tweaks to throttle cable first as cable is tight and idle's at around 2000 rpm due to the mount being further across than the starlet inlet mani

  3. after having the parts laying round for a couple of weeks i have finally got round to fitting them

    bug eye corolla intake manifold


    jdm 100 bhp starlet injectors (top) vs standard injectors (bottom)


    photos after fitting



  4. brought my first car about 6 months ago and have now decided its time to upgrade a few tings,

    dont have any pics of when i first got the car but took a couple today the car is the same as it was when i first got it minus the wind deflectors and glanza cup holder.



    bodywork has a few scrapes and bumps but they will get sorted in the future.



    i will be uploading more pics as i carry out the work.

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