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Posts posted by Kayleighhep82

  1. Going to be having a bit of money coming through in next few months from an insurance claim after a driver wrote off one of my starlets so possibly looking for a glanza / gt turbo for around 2000-3000 no dogs & must be in good nick, with regular servicing & half decent spec, don't want to be buying anyone else's problem


  2. The truth always prevails!! This feedback was for a rear strut I bought which I never recieved!! I was given the run around etc

    Last message from the conman

    Hi kayleigh, i have been back and forth with hermes and they have got a package of similer size in a depo they said i should know at latest tomorrow if it is it, hopefully it is and alot of people will owe you an apoligy

    Bollox not trusted at all he knew exactly where the strut was the whole time, he never responded after this message, all I can say is what a little scratcher having to do this for money 😂😂

  3. I'm looking to swap my ep80 headlights to ep82 quadlights could anyone shed some light on what connects up to what? I know they are projector lamps on the quads & there's more bulbs in the quads just wanted to know what bulbs serve what purpose & best way to wire it all up, really hard to explain sorry guys

  4. Richglanzav I only asked if it could be deleted because I've written this about Ben, but after what everyone's been saying & ive seen negative feedback from my Hermes as well then like I've said it seems I've got it wrong & that it's their fault not Bens, & yes adzy we did break up for a few months thank you👍🏼

  5. How was I involved in it because he used my PayPal? He set my PayPal up hence why the email address is his I do not use it! He don't live in my pocket mind or with him every minute of the day! If you think he's done something like I've said speak to him, I'm not interested in being part of anything or welcome in anything! I've had my money back & Ben will have the money if the strut does turn up he's been speaking to a manager at Hermes! & yes akyakapotter it does seem that way obviously just a missunderstanding & a fuck up on Hermes part. Is there anyway I can delete this or just lock it or something ?

  6. For your information Dale I will have what ever car I want to have thank you ☺️ Plus I had my gt way before all this stuff with Matthew 👍🏼 & lol I do not want to be part of your community 😂😂

    & how am I a hypocrite then richglanzav?? Have I ripped anyone off or been accused for it ? NO what Matthew did or did not do when we weren't even together is irrelevant like I've said before! Do you even know the meaning of a hypocrite? There's a few people commenting on here that I've seen have got bad feedback ripping someone off £800 , selling parts & not sending them for months or not sending them at all! Lol

  7. I'm not being aggressive it's been 2 weeks that it was meant to be delivered, if my Hermes have lost it then why should I give Ben the money? My Hermes will owe Ben money if they've lost his part not me & if I do eventually revive the strut then I will give Ben the money back straight away

  8. Right PayPal have issued a refund I told them I didn't want the money but the part I ordered & that my Hermes didn't have any updates for 10 days, I can assure you if the brace turns up that I will contact PayPal to let them know who will reimburse the money to yourself failing this I will reimburse you myself, if my Hermes don't have any idea of the strut then what can me/you do to track down when it is as I don't want the money I just want the strut I'm happy enough to give you the money back as long as I receive the strut

    This is what i am prepared to do just for anyone that doubts me

  9. Another update for you all, spoken to myhermes online support & there is no record of a recollection being booked or it being picked up by another van or a late pickup or whatever other excuse glanza Ben says (I've got proof) so I decided to phone PayPal with regards to the case & they said that my Hermes hadn't had any updates on the collection since 10days ago so issued me (Kayleigh) with a refund straight away, I will put it all on here for all you guy to see so that you realise I'm not lying or making anything up, I didn't want the money back tbh I just wanted the brace for my car but obviously that was too hard for glanza Ben to do

  10. God Dan your everywhere got a problem with Matthew you go & tell him instead of writing all this crap about me! It's my gt my forum & I havent ripped anyone off!!! & if you think Matthew has than take it up with him 👍🏼 not on my posts all the time!!! & no Ben lol it has not turned up & your tracking number don't work/saying not collected so how could I try ripping you off when I don't have the thing? Phone them I have not received it!!! I bought this rear strut for MY gt so what ever that guy got to say about Matthew is irrelevant

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