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Posts posted by chief

  1. Cheers guys.

    I'm curious about the comment that the height doesnt look much lower. Can you go lower than 60mm? I hunted like a mofo and that was the biggest i could find. Could just be the camera angle used buddy.

    Handling wise now the car is impeccable - before when you used to dig it into the corners you could feel the lsd struggling and the body rolling, now i "almost" feel like i am back in my old impreza. It just punches the tyres into the corner and goes...

  2. Just thought i would share a before and after pic of my car after being lowered. I know when i was looking at this I was never sure what a drop would look like. This was going from totally stock suspension to a 57mm at front and 50mm at back. Shocks and panhard change completed too.

    Hope it helps you if you are lowering and after a gauge of the impact.



  3. my favourite pictures ;)



    You gotta lov London road car park - its like an antique syringe collection under there little miss. Hope you watched your tyres. Dont think i've done any of mine there but here are a few of mine from just outside boro...







    Think i need to get my backside out and do some new ones sometime....

  4. After being inspired by the likes of Gok wan and trinny and Susannah i thought what better way to earn a crust than to design clothing.

    I thought i would let you have first view of my venture into the world of fashion.

    Here i am modelling a very homosexual vest with my latest star design. Will be going on retail for only £19.99 from selected retail outlets ( my home )



  5. Well now that i think i may have finally cracked how to post process these from my RAW files i thought i would post my first attempt - inspiration is high now to get out again tomorrow night if weather is good and see what i can find.....



  6. his has just happened today and i'm a little concerned about it.

    When the car is on load and the turbo is spooling up not only do i have the normal whistling sound of spool up i also have a really sound of something that sounds like an air leak or someone letting down a car tyre.

    Really confused as there;

    is no smoke.

    Seems to be constant boost

    Doesnt appear to be slower " could be wrong"

    Cannot locate any holes on any of the visible pipes and nothing seems to be off.

    Car is an EP91 Glanza and bog standard under the hood.

    Just concerned and want to get this sorted before something happens - was worried i have a fooked turbo blade or something....

    Doesnt sound like a blowing exhaust either.

  7. Hello mr admin, hassled you about a voting thread for April, whats the challenge for may??

    I need an excuse to clean chris packhams career off the front of my car.

    Cheers fella.


  8. Canon Eos 400.

    200mm lens set at about 180mm. IS0 100 and aperture at about 4.5( i think, was maxxed out anyhow ).

    Shot was taken in raw and received a levels adjustment on the pic overall followed by one to the eyes.

    Was just followed up by an unsharp mask then and a quick edit to make the head jump out more.

  9. Change the headlights on the glanza.

    I've had a look this morning and cannot get the blood one out. Drivers side there is a little bit of room, i've taken the plug off the bulb but cannot get it out. Huge rubber cap round it. Does this come off as i couldn get it to move? Does the bulb twist through the cap?? help??

    Also with the passenger side i cannot get my donkey paws in but do i need to take the resonator box of to get it out.

  10. I use photoshop yes.

    I use RAW format on my camera which means you get a greater level of detail to play with. You just have to sharpen, adjust colour exposure etc as when you shoot in JPEG the camera does it all for you....

    RAW = Essentially a digital negative.

  11. Guys

    Just a little advice please.

    Coming home from work tonight and i was a little pissed off so the car took the brunt of it.

    Anyway about 5 miles from home it popped the engine management light on. I crawled it the rest of the way home.

    Anyway i thought it may be the oil filter or something pissing oil where i recently changed it however oil level is fine with no leaks.

    I've left car for ten min and started again and the light is gone, running fine, no ticks, bangs etc.

    Is there like a heat protect or something on the car that chucks the management light on if you show too much enthusiasm to get you to ease off?


  12. These are examples i did.

    Because of the time of day you either got detail in the sky or detail in the car - no middle ground. By shooting in raw format just create an exposure for each from the same RAW file and layer them as discussed before and voila......

    Correctly exposed sky and car together......



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