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Posts posted by LukeGT

  1. Got an induction kit fitted now! just need to wither relocate it in front of the battery or get a smaller cold air feed bit big lol, could of one with a mushroom one really but hy! you get what ya given!

    whats best pipe to use for relocation?! need it quite flexible but also strong, looks a bit of a mess at minute will get pics up when its nice n tidy


  2. been looking about, probs looking best part of 15k for the lot lol! to be honest though as i have seen from videos its well worth it lol!

    might have to have a word with mr bank manager later down the line!

    like 10 years haha!

    oh well.....

    while im on here whats the best bolt on parts i can buy to get more bhp, acc etc out my baby. As i said i got induction n backbox. would it be worth dabbling in dump valves. what other sort of stuff is on the market

    Thanx guys!


  3. Somethings better than nothing though ay lol

    had a close race with a 106 gti earlier! Was a quicken lol

    been hearing a lot lately about and engine conversion.....S3GTE or 3SGTE

    What cars that out of then i know its toyota manufactured but cant seem to track down from what car...

    whatever it is it makes em go like the clappers! lol


  4. Sorry was quite annoyed :lol: lol, anyway here it is (finally) through photobucket. :lol:

    My fresh EP82, its completely stock at the minute apart from the 4 inch stainless jap[ can on the back, its even got the good old jap emergency flare and the official starlet mats and that, but i got a few plans for it....anyway without further or do etc......


    all on there only 3 pics but was in a rush hehe later people :lol:

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