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Posts posted by Muntasir

  1. here in my country turbo conversion will cost me a lot. and i have another problem with my country low. I can't use 1.5 or higher engine in a car which is bought with a 1.3 engine. otherwise they will dump my car. But I don't satisfied with a 1.3(1300cc) engine and don't even can buy any 1.5(1500cc) or more higher powerful engine. 4efe and 5efe engine looks are same. So my plan is convert my current engine(4efe) to 5efe. by this way they can't notice that it's another engine and also I will got a more powerfull engine.

    now help me please. stuck in this bad situation.

    How i can complete this converting. what i have to change, what i have to take from a 5efe engine to make mine one more powerfull.

    I am a noob. disturbing you guys :( sorry for that

  2. bro, I read all the N/A E-Series Engine Discussions post about 4efe anf 5efe. but still confused what I need to change if I want to increase bhp of a 4efe engine as same as 5efe engine. If I buy 5efe engine head, block, piston and than use other things from my current 4efe engine it will increase my bhp? or i have to change other things? give me a complete suggestion please. If possible give me a list.

    Thanks for any help.

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