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Posts posted by RichyGT

  1. Awesome, i'm from Leicester too and will be driving to Lutterworth everyday, but I'm addicted to driving anyway, I think i would be even more so in a Starlet GT!

    nice one mate, have to have a meet up for some pics if u do

  2. Gonna get some d2 coilovers but has anybody used this company before. dont wanna have my pants pulled down by them so thought i'd do a bit of rsearch first.



    thanks folks

  3. took a couple more pics yesterday and also went to rwyb at pod, first ever run for me and got a 15.3 which i was pleased with. But after that the best i could get was a 15.2 It was getting a bit damp when i got there at 8 and i was really struggling for grip so on a better day i reckon high 14's are possible.






    Also been looking at possibilities of how i want her to look and i've come up with two, just wanted to see what you all thought. Just a quick couple of p-shops



  4. cheers peoples, want some coilovers and wheels then fmic, rrfpr, hks actuator. Plus i've got that engine in my garage if you remember cal so that the ongoing project bit. for tonight im off to rwyb i think to see what time i can get, watch this space.

  5. As most of you will know (thanks to cals big mouth lol) i bought ians GT a few weeks back as a bit of an ongoing project. I wanted a mint one with the intentions of keeping it mint but adding my own touch to it.

    I've had a couple of problems with it. two days after getting it i got back from uni and was hearing a knocking from the rear wheel so jacked it up to find the nuts were literally hanging off :eek: No fault of Ians as he didnt take the wheel off prior. But im glad to have it sorted ad still be alive lol

    Second problem, as its a new car and its got a pretty high bite i've stalled a cuple of times and it doesnt seem to like starting up again after so not sure if its the alternator or battery (answers on a postcard, or reply)

    Other than that i've loved it and have started work on it already, I want it to be track ready eventually but still reliable. I've stripped the interior out as the spare wheel and them bigass speakers in the parcel shelf weighed a ton. it now looks pretty cool but needs lowering as its a bit twitchy being so high.

    I then gave it a wash and took some pics. Enjoy











    I then got a few new bits as im starting to collect parts gradually, i got some new wipers as the old ones were about hanging off lol, then i got a single din cup holder, with a cd player on the way to get rid of the fat hole in the dash.


    I also got this bad boy, a JAM Fuelcut controller, obviouly not to be used by itself but other parts will be on their way soon, as soon as my next student loan comes and i've shifted the parts i've got from the two im breaking.


    So anybody got any cheap wheels, coilovers drop me a pm, comments welcome and thanks for looking.


  6. So been busy today, now i know im using the black shell i know i can strip the white one down completely for parts so got going today.

    Like an idiot i didnt check the cars for ecu's and just assumed they wouldnt have one as theyd been stripped of a lot of bits. So I went a bought one and then after 5 minutes work i find it still there ;),

    Then I carried on stripping the beast down.

    Started like this



    Then got to this


    Then this








    Couple of shots of the engine in the white one





    Anyone need any interior bits let me know

  7. I cant wait to see this project develop. It's gonna be mint.

    Im loving the Polo by the way. I bet it took ages to rattle can it. Looks pretty dam good though.


    cheers mate, sprayed the polo twice as didnt get it quite right first time. had to strip it right back again, so yeah it did take ages.

    Will update quite quickly so keep an eye on it.

  8. So as some of you may hav read in my welcome section thread My names Rich and Im studying Motorsport Tech at Derby Uni. I've wanted a gt for ages as a project and then i got offered these two at a bit of a bargain price so i thought i'd have them and do a full rebuild from scratch as my Uni project and also as a learning experience.

    I got offered 2 gt's that had been scrapped with 3 engines and 2 gearboxes so i decided to have them as my project.





    The original plan was to repair the white one and rebuild it but after getting some quotes from people at how much it would cost I have decided to strip it completely and use the black shell which I have now in the garage



    Sorry about the pics its not the biggest garage. So my plans are to use parts from the white one and whatever else i need i'll buy. I'm going to strip it back to a shell and respray the car white.

    Now i know what your thinking but i'll try anything once (well almost anuthing). I rattle canned my polo matt black and that came out white so thought i'd try the proper way on the gt. besides i've got some parts to test on.


    The polo beast

    I've had a look a the two engines not in cars with Timi off of here and they look ok so we're going to use these two and over the next year build a couple of forged, td04'd babys for track day use.



    The third engine and other gear box is in the white one so im gonna have a look at it then put it in this when the body is ready and drive it until the new engine is ready to be dropped in.

    As i need quite a few bits i thought i'd better get buying so thanks to chris-s13 for all the bits after the late night road trip to wrexham.



    Quite a bit of shaft play on this so not sure whether it can be repaired or whether i'll just use it to have a look at the insides. Any tips on repairing would be helpful, its also got a hairline crack in the wastegate.





    I've also got a front bumper, and then a grille, indicators and window motors on the way.

    Thanks for looking and any tips and guidance will be greatly appreciated,


  9. Hey everyone been on here for a while but just picked up my project car so thought i'd say hi and post some pictures up now. I just bought 2 gt's with 3 engines and 2 gearboxes for £400 but they're in bad condition so thought i'd bring one of them back to its former glory.

    I've got 2 choices one has been rear ended but not too badly so is repairable and the other is engineless and needs a lot of work to get it back to good condition.

    Im thinkin about repairing the white one as it wont take much to do and will get away without a respray for now or should i strip it and put everything on the black one. bearing in mind the white one is newer the old one has the striplight at the back.

    The long term is to do a full strip and rebuild in the summer and a track engine forged td04 build as me and a mate are going to build identical engines from scratch for the track with my spares.

    Im studying motorsport technology at derby uni and im heavily into cars but any guidance and help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Rich


    The damage







    Pic from my trip to london the othr day


    and my old polo


  10. is weird. went out new years eve with friends and girlfriend had a skinful and that then when back to mates house. About half 4 left my mates girlfriend driving home come to a T junction look right then left, nothing there so turn right and drive home.

    Next day find out a 16 year old who was working part time at my old school helping out with sports whilst studying at college was stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle and killed.

    Travelling to my grandparents the next day find out the lad was murdered about 30 yards from where we turned right and about 5-10 minutes after we did turn.

    So 5-10 minutes later and we would have witnessed a murder. was weird seeing all the tents there and the road cordened off, it is a rough area but always seems like the decent ones get the worst luck. not many people around there go to college.

    Its on bbc website, a 13 yr old. 15 yr old and two adults have been charged

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