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Kernow krusty

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Posts posted by Kernow krusty

  1. Hi, update ...

    Found a local locksmith, GB Locksmiths, very good guy , Spencer. He turned up, used the boot key barrel to cut a new key, then replaced the EPROM chip on the transponder ECU PCB. Programmed two keys...all sorted! All from the back of his Hiace ..£140. 

    So...MOT time...I was wrong, Gerald had been parked up for two years...

    So... failures....4 tyres (perished) and a front sidelight bulb....that was it! Advisory on rusty discs, which I'll change anyway...

    So look out of a metallic green P plate Starlet around south east Cornwall ...yeet!

  2. Hi all. 

    Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Parked up my totally standard P plate Auto Starlet Sportif a year ago, now eldest son is back from uni and needs wheels...what's better than the Starlet...except I've lost the key...FFS. So, I've got into it, stripped out the ignition barrel and find it starts and runs for few secs then stops. by the way, after 12 months, first turn...

    I know this sounds dodgy as fluck, but I just want to get it on the road. I'm an electronic engineer, so can read a cct diagram...I see the sensors on ignition barrel and transponder ECU and the amp box on the ignition barrel...jeez Mr Toyota, is that where all the budget went ! Any suggestions on bypass the immobiliser please ? Or anyone got a ignition barrel and key to sell? EP 91...4e -fe engine...or a wiring diagram so I can have a go? Cheers in advance . 



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