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Posts posted by AntEP82

  1. Is anyone wanting a advanced ticket for this, i know its late notice but if anyone is intersted i can meet you at the gates of JAE and give you the ticket and recieve my payment and stuff.

    Its just i bought two but looks like im only gonna be needing the one now :) ill let it go for £20 if anyone wants it??

    I could be interested in this but nt sure if you will be able to check the thread n think your already at the event. Pm me your mobile number if you get this! Otherwise i will try n get it off some1, hoping to come tonight.... is there still space on the stand?

  2. Mate I'm well impressed with this! You've done a lot to it since i last saw it at bluewater which was ages ago. I've also done a lot to mine so will have to update my thread sometime. Hope to come to some meets in the summer when I'm bk from uni. How you liking the hybrid power? Nice job so far mate :thumbsup:

  3. Looking good Rob, such a lucky git! Wish I had the time to take the engine out n spray the bay and engine up........... looks mint! That looks bare safe blud! Wish i'd bin home to see the engine all stipped down aswell. This is gonna be a beast when it's finished but u keeping it hush hush :lol: ? Take some pics of my car when im bk from london aswell plz :thumbsup:

  4. It's amazin!!! the snow hasnt stopped in London........ the streets r covered it's so awesome. went out at around 10 into the local park to have a snowball fight lol there was quite a few people with the same idea. I hope it stays till the mornin! Drive carefully tho

  5. no worries! Yea luckily it was the first thing i checked when my coolant overflowed everywhere when it was just sitting idling lol but yea fan worked fine after that so fingers crossed it's just that mate. Let us know the verdict

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