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Posts posted by babynikz

  1. I dunno where to put a "spotted" thread so i decided to put it in here.. :)

    Enzo were you in Aberdeen last night? (Friday 17th April)

    I saw a red Glanza identical to yours and i recognised the plate.. Two folk were in it parked at the trammers at the beach sleeping lol

  2. nikki your the on whos orginizing it so you can tell us if its at 12 or 2

    True but i dunno what everyone would prefer.. I'm gonna aim to be there for 12pm if thats alright?? Will be there for a while so not like you's need to rush there for that time or whatever :)

  3. how about 2ish what do you think????

    I was thinking bout 12ish but if everyone agrees 2 then thats fine with me :)

    I cant understand why you want to meet at knockhill in February?

    It will be freezing cold, likr the rest of the year at Knockhill.

    Hold off another month, and make it worth while, instead of sitting about freezing to death.

    As i said, i'm going anyway. People who come know it will no doubt be freezing but its there choice, not forcing people to go.

  4. Get a glanza anyway. or buy my gt so i can buy a glanza :)

    Howd the doc's go? everything ok with ya? looks like a bad smash.

    Naaaaah i think i will just buy a Glanza thanks :)

    Yeah fine thanks :( seeminly when people crash the automaticly tense there body.. Thats what i did which has made me have muscle pain, i will be fine just to take pain killers. Still pretty sore but getting a lot better, bin taking it easy :(

  5. After the last meet being a bit of a fail.. Thought we should plan another? :harhar:

    So how's this sound...

    - Knockhill (Speed Sunday Car Trackday)

    - 22nd February 2009

    I reckon, if people are up for this meet then we should have a back up plan just incase all goes wrong again and Knockhill is cancelled?...

    Obv i won't be going in my car (GUTTED :) ) but will work out something so i am def there (if people are up for it that is..) :)

    1. Babynikz

  6. Nikki,

    If you do have a sore kneck, get yourself to the Doctor, and let them have a look over you.

    Because if you have to claim against his insurance, the doctors line will always help in a pay out. (A good one at that)

    All the best


    Yeah thats true.. Got an app. with the doc tomorrow so will take it from there..

    Thanks :harhar:

  7. i dont actualy bourkey, my boost controller is wired up to the foglight switch, and it was an alright day,

    thats bad luck about your car niks, hopefully you get it sorted soon

    Yeah i no i'm gutted :( sorry if i was walking weird today also.. My back and neck are in agony with the crash so walk like i'v pooped myself lol

    We were only with you's for a wee while but was a good day :(

  8. i was maybe going up with toddi in his glanza but i cant because its dads wifes b-day 2moz and going for a meal at lyk 3!!

    i hope i will and il be in a starlet of somesort...*i hope* lol

    lots of drugs and lots of layers cuz its proper baltic up ther :( lol thermal undies :(:(


    Aw right i supose thats a good excuse lol

    I just woke up and the pain is unreal.. I should really be going to hospital but instead im away to Knockhill haha.. Will pile the pain killers down my throat and go to hospital later if it's still bad.

    LOL @ thermal undies hahahaha :D

    Yeah i'm planning on taking my whole wordrobe just so i can put on the layers when cold :D lol

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