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Posts posted by southwales_tuner

  1. Oh fluck........thats not good for sure :D

    Its looking real nice now mate fair play!

    Im going to probably keep mine for track/hill climb as im dreading using it on the road as im scared to death of somone smashing into it once its built up.

    Thinking of getting a 1.9 Pug 205 GTi for blasting about as i think my mrs maybe borrowing my vectra once she passes her test. :thumbsup:

    CRX's are just the best though. plain and simple.

  2. Will reply asap mate.

    Im going to give another word of warning now...........(sorry to p*ss in peoples chips)

    If its a Suede OMP deep dish wheel uve ordered....e.g. OMP Corsica.....they wear VERY badly within a few months mate :thumbsup:

    There are Nardi dished wheels on ebay (non suede) selling at a good price last time i checked. They wear much better.

    I was so appauled by the wear rate on mine that i was going to complain but didnt in the end.

  3. Ste if you need any help or advice mate drop me a message and ill do my best to help in any way i can :thumbsup:

    Looks nice mate. :D

    The leak will be sun roof, rear lights, boot surround or possibly windscreen surround mate..........f*cking nightmare. All CRX's leak, or 90% do any way.

    Drop me a line when you've figured out where its coming from and ill give some advice on how to sort it. Their easy enough to be honest.

    ..........mine used to leak like a sive haha.

    Seats wise..........buy mine if you want, their the late spec red stripe/lettering ones, found in 16v's and ive seen import's with them too. MINT condition, not a mark on them. Worth a fortune in this condition really wont ask mega money for them though.

    I also may have a few bits and peices that will be coming off mine ready for the big build you may be tempted in, not sure whats happening yet.

    Ive also got red painted front calipers as well mate if your interested?


    Ok insurance wise on CRX's......basically if your under 21 your more or less going to get shafted on insurance, their normally silly quotes way above £1600+ normally around £1,800-£2,500 or so for insurance, and thats just TPFT.

    I was VERY lucky as i already had insurance on my Starlet GT and i was able to swap it over to my CRX, after that they refused to do it for a mate of mine who tried with the same company and told him it was a one-off when they did it for me that it wont be done again due to the rules. At first they wernt prepaired to insure me on it, but after we spoke to the insurance company at length for hours and a fair few phone calls to sort it out they agreed to insure it for me and keep it on my data-base as i told them it would be off the road eventually for a year or more. Im 20 with 2 years ncb. So i guess im pretty lucky really. I pay roughly around £700 TPFT. But im now insured on my Vectra SRi for £600 odd with the CRX saved on the system if i want to do a quick transfer.

    Your best bet will be Adrian Flux or somone similar. It wont be cheap though i doubt :D

  4. Nice lew! They look good mate! Where did you get the Opie stickers from, wanted one as ive bought my oil's from them for the crx but didnt get any stickers or owt with any of it :unsure:

    And will be good when you get it back out :D............your surrounded by honda's though now haha.

    And who bought the VTi, was it Fox butt?

  5. Cheers all much appreciated :harhar:

    And no no i wont turn my back on you all :) i love you all too much of course! haha. And Galliano i thought from readin a few funny threads on here that you had sparky for that kinda fun lmao

    For those who wants to see my CRX and the plans for it here we go...........:D


    If and when i get the VTi-S ill put pics up of that as well for you to see.

    Its not deffinate that i wont be back its just for now building the starlet would have cost alot more than building the CRX and with no job its difficult to sort anything out at all, only way i make money is selling all the old stuff i have from previous cars...etc. I worked it all out and its alot harder to get the parts i needed for the GT project than to get parts for the CRX, i sat down and tried to think of how i could do it with the money i have available to me, but it just wasnt going to happen, not yet any way....

  6. Decided now to pack in the idea of building a 1.8 20v 500bhp GT as since i bought my CRX ive been hooked, it handles alot better than the GT and seems to suit me and my driving alot more. I originally bought it as a stop gap while i built my GT up, but since buying parts for it and really getting to know it, im hooked totally.

    Now that im hooked on my crx, ive decided to try and splash out on a 4 door Pirates black Civic VTi-S MB6 with coilovers, 17's, half leathers, decent audio setup, cat 1 alarm system for daily use and for work and holidays as i needed the large boot and the 4 doors to take my grandparents on holiday as they dont like driving too far any more. So providing i sell my kit ill be going to buy it and converting fully over to the big red H.

    So im not sure if ill be back, however im selling all my parts from the Starlet GT, but for some reason im keeping my Livesports aero kit....hmmm

    People warned me it would happen when buying a CRX as their immense cars, i didnt belive them, now i do.....lol

    Ill still come on here though and post as this is one of the best clubs/forums around with a good community feel, always has been.



  7. Dont remove the stickers mate! its a rally car, their not show cars! lol.

    Very nice mate, i seen this for sale, wish i could own one, insurance would rape me though at only 19. :D

    Keep us up to date with progress and pics mate, really love old Evos. Evo 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were the ONLY good ones, the newer ones are pants.

  8. How about i come and show you all up in my Honda, a proper car? :D lmfao.

    Think that would be a red rag to a bull maybe........would get lynched and my arms and legs ripped off probably by you lot.

    Best stay away then. :D shame the GT isnt even driveable :D

  9. Its easy just do them yourself.

    Take the TB off, dismantle it, clean it all up inside, sand it all down, polish it all up......drill a small hole in the top half of the butterfly, cant remember how big now though.

    Bang......there's your polished and ported throttle body.

    As said not much in the way of gains, but hay there must be a tiny bit as your cleaning all the crap out and making the air flow slightly faster over the polished metal.

    Gains would be so small though i doubt you would notice any, may help keep your cylinder head free from sh*t but thats about it. lol.

  10. LOL at some of the quotes you guys get. Major unfair on you.

    Im 19 and have almost 2 years ncb as im 20 this november. I was insured on my GT at 18 as well.

    Insurance on my GT was about £1000 TPFT maybe slightly more or less give or take.

    I can also drive any other car up to 1600cc third party as long as its not registered on the V5 in my name :( .......VERY rare to find that on only TPFT insurance.

    Shall be buying my gf a Civic ESi hopefully and putting her on my insurance next year.

    Im now insured on my CRX though by the same company and they wont insure anyone else on one as a few mates have tried and theyve said no ;)

  11. Another site is oggorish or somthing like that, some serious sick sh*t on there too............

    I just dont understand why there isnt more blood, its not fake, its perffectly real, but, theres not as much blood as ive seen before.

    Ive seen mutliated bodies there infront of me when we were right by a massive car accident in ireland..........i was only young and it was horrific.

    I watch the whole vid, but, i dunno why ?

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