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Posts posted by www.glanza.co.uk

  1. Was wondering how long it would be before you threw up a post... :lol:

    When you said you wanted an 'S', I wanted to get you a red one as they're not exactly common. Was chuffed when I found it, and was extra chuffed that you said you wanted to go for it. Not long to go now... She looks like she's cruising past Sicily at the moment enjoying the sunshine!

  2. Well done for posting some real life. Too many people are having children nowadays expecting to have a mini-me to show off and dress up. Yes, you can have an angel, but you can also have a demon. One you get past the sleep deprivation and crying stage, you've then got to manage the crawling and walking stage, and then the tantrums when they realise Daddies/Mommies pockets don't stretch to buying a toy every 2 seconds. Once you get to age 6, life becomes easier, until they start picking up habits from little scumbags they play with in school. Then, they grow up, your savings go down, and they become a teenager. Eventually, they leave home for uni, and you spend the rest of your days recovering until you die.

    Remember, a child is not just a result of a bit of fun, it's a whole new bundle of problems to solve and worry about.

    Oh yeah, the good times will outway the bad times... :D

  3. PM Sent :(

    Your website wasnt working for me :( its the same screen but that possible may be from my end im not sure though


    Received! I'll reply a bit later for you. As for the website, that's bloody Internet Explorer... I'm sorting it, so should be fixed soon...

  4. Also in your sig it should be He's - not he,s

    Just thought I'd point it out for ya. :)

    LOL, another 'spelling detective'... :)

    Seriously though, well done to all for their input. When communities come together like this, it makes you realise that it's not just a hobby or a passion, it's about the whole experience. applause.gif

  5. I've had dealings in the past, and was lucky enough to realise before anything bad happened. Here's his mobile number: 07929953993

    If you check that out on Google, you'll see a few adverts listed:


    Including this one:

    Gumtree Advert

    Clearly, the same mobile number's used for a number of different aliases. I've got this address on an email to go with the one you've given:

    85 Bromham Road


    MK40 2QH‎

  6. :lol: you can tell all the people that are mod's on TGTT or very passionate about it from the comments they write lol

    Passionate? LOL... Not quite chap, just making sure that all is fair in love and war...

    i say to save the arguements. install a bit of tgtt strictness and any threads bitchin about tgtt results in a week ban :).


  7. OK... Let's set the record straight.

    You've been warned before, and still continued to post threads touting for business. If you can't take obvious hints to stop, then you have to bear the consequence.

    Secondly, I didn't ban you, another moderator/administrator did. All I did was edit your post. Then, when you put up yet another post with this little statement in it "other thread was removed but hey ho this is my work", obviously someone else wasn't so 'chilaxed' as I, and thought it was time you paid attention to what we were saying.

    So, when you're ready to apologise for the whinging above, I'm here to listen.

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