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Posts posted by ben_j

  1. Scary what people can find out these days! I'm gonna unplug my internet now and wear a tinfoil hat so they can't steal my thoughts. They're my thoughts, you can't have them.

    lol send my a pic of that Ian!! --- Kelly

  2. you said you were near manchester, the road is famous so how you lot dont know it i dont know.

    either way your not going to show so you know deep down you had no chance. :p

    how would i know the road im from four hours south?!

    its actually quite shocking how dumb you are!

    east lancs? no i didnt think so!

  3. there we have it boys, benj has backed out of a race, if you knew the road you would know its safe and has no traffic, and your telling me ben that you need daylight to race PMSL! never raced at night.

    so there you go, one guy offered to beat me, but i reckon its all mouth anyway.

    im off out now to warm up my turbo for anyone wanting to meet at 8pm tonight.

    maybe next time benj dont offer to race if your going to back out. :p

    already told you i will be on east lancs big boy! :p

    why would i meet you on a road i dont know in darkness? i think you need the advantage and was hoping i wouldnt know it!

  4. :p:p you sooooooooo dont know that road, its between manchester and sheffield, do you konow how to use a map B)B)

    your so cocky thinking you are faster than me, yet you wont take up a challenge on an empty road at night.

    do i smell someone backing out of a race?

    just googled it!

    look at my username it says im from southampton i have recently moved up here so no i dont know it and no you dont smell someone backing out of a race! but if you need that much of an advantage of a dark road that i dont know at night time is that because your scared of gettin owned?

    meet you on the east lancs ?

  5. you have never heard of snake pass? your joking? surley you are? The A road between glossop and sheffield...........25miles of driving heaven.

    shall we say tonight 8pm when traffic is clear?

    only a true idiot would post on a forum where and when he is guna race on road! thought you said manchester area mate? sheffield manchester two diff places?

  6. wheres gilly gone? :p:p i think he's faced the fast his 1.3 na is going nowhere.

    benj anytime mate.....ever done the snake pass? if your up for that then please join me, but trust me you would get wasted on there. pmsl it has hills on there to, reckon your car can cope with hills?

    we'll see if it can cope B) where is the snake pass i havent lived up here long? you'll have explain more?

  7. there is no way you could keep up on a track.

    thats what im asking, lots of corners me and you! if my car was good enough to win race series with in Japan then im sure i can easily own your ass.

    did i forget to mention its an ex race track car?

  8. to take the piss out of tiny plastic slow cars.......whatelse eveyone on here seems brainwashed they got something good, howwrong you all are pmsl.

    awwwww look he has nothin more to say and he wont actually do anythin about it because he knows he's going to get owned!!! by a 1.3!!!!

    wonder where he's from and which starlet owner would have the pleasure in owning him?!

  9. he obviously couldnt drive.........or is that "snif snif" bull shit i smell

    ask on the site yourself mate!

    another scooby same spec on full slicks was only 1 second faster!

    anyways ...... enough talk come race me already?!

  10. and how would that happen? maybe if i had to stop to answer my phone, but thats the only reason any 2wd micra would touch me. hahah

    lol well maybe you should ask your scooby forum what happened when i went on a track day with them? :p

    380hp scooby full suspension mods semi slicks lapping 1second slower than me on road tyres and 1bar of boost :p

  11. how am i not banned yet? :p

    you all keep saying your micras will have me in my sti which to be fair is only running 28bhp, but on a corner where will you be? in a hedge or having to slow down. 98% of the uks streets are not straight so yeah lets race.

    on a corner prob be infront of you to be honest.

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