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Posts posted by Newman90

  1. any pics of this turbo? because to cut a ct20 shaft down to fit a ct9 housing would leave nothing left of the shaft!? cant see how anyone has made that fit to be honest.

    the shaft on the ct20 is huge which would explain the lag. sounds like a very mismatched turbo to your set up.

    is the boost dropping off?

    i got it from shorty.. and no its not dropping off just seems like its spooling but not pullin

  2. well the ct20 is a big turbo mate so 6k full boost prob wont be far of full boost, bit of a old skool turbo mate, there alot o other better turbo's out there that will better drive and more power,

    what other mods have you got?

    got Blitz decat, sps mani, fuel cut, fpr, forge dumpvalve, hks hi power exhaust .. its the CT20 cut down to fit into a modified CT9 housing. so spool time should be pretty good.. just seems powerless. i have a EBC to be fitted soon. hopefully sharpen things up.. but also could be thinking maybe faulty actuator?

  3. I recently changed my stock CT9 turbo for a ct20 turbo, im haveing a weird problem where the car is boosting (hitting 1bar) but just seems so powerless.. ive checked for leaks and seems to be fine, only thing im thinking is maybe my dumpvalve is leaking, turbo gaskets have blown or something along those lines.. its spools up very quickly but doesnt seem to hit full boost untill around 6k revs? previous to fitting this turbo my stock ct9 used to stick and hold boost fine... maybe im missing something really simple.

  4. if your only running .8 why do you have a fpr and a fcd? has that clutch been in for a very long time? for a pretty standard car to have worn through a paddle clutch is a bit strange.

    Do you know which paddle clutch is in it?

    bcause i intend to fit a hybrid and run a bar bud, and i think its an excedy.. but im not 100%

  5. if u were resting your foot on it enough to release some pressure from the plate it will have been slipping a tiny bit and getting hot... therfore will slip a bit...

    they are very very very touchy for that... but bite awesome when they work :p

    ok bud thankyouuu, i dont think im doing it now unless i am subconciously.. but it seems to work fine when the cars been resting for a while, and then when i put some boost through it , just slips like a bitch.. think im just gonna replace it.

  6. hey guys, i just picked up my V, and it has a paddle clutch very high biteing, and i noticed when driving it back it seemed to be slipping alot... i got told that its probable because ive been riding the clutch as im not used to it... ive left it over night and drove it back from work and it seems to be ok... any ideas?

  7. A little conversation with the mother lead to thinking we need some new speakers. We can't have the sound very high as the speakers pop on the bass and if we have no bass it sounds shit. So, I have had a set of Alpine speakers for a while now, the same sizes as the standard ones, but none have any wiring from them. So is it OK to remove the wires from the originals and soulder them to the mounts that the new speakers have for the wires?

    Any help is appreciated, I will get some pics later on and post them up so you see what I mean.

    doing that will be fine, however. if your trying to get the best sound Q possible, i would advise getting yourself some decent speaker wire and rewiring the system.. but if youre on a budget then useing the existing wire wouldnt be a problem.

  8. well i went round the corner near my house at about 0.2 mph and ended up in my neighbours front garden about 2 inches from the front door, and too my delight she was standing in the kitchen with a sheet white look on her face..

    i then reversed out to notice i have curbed my new wheels :@.... so i will be touching them up when the weathers a bit better.

    i HATE snow.

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