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nathy boy

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Posts posted by nathy boy

  1. Hello ladies and gents,

    Im back now after a while! For you that remember me i sold the white GT at the start of the year but i have a black one i am currently building. Been helping Dubdan alot recently with him keeping his car in my garden for the past 6 months!! Hopefully the black one will be just as fun to drive if not more!!! Looking forward to been back on the starlet scene again!


  2. Its not on ebay guys its at auction, thanks for a bit of info guys its black with some 17s on i think with the lip kit. I will try and get a little more info and maybe pictures and get back to you :) cheers lads

  3. Okay so im bidding on a paseo thats had an attempted theft, i was going to buy it to rip the engine out but now i realise its in too good condition to break. So i was going to buy it and sell it on. So i just wondered if any of you paseo lads know how much roughly a ST one goes for with all the lip kit on and are they in good demand etc??

    Cheers boys :)

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