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Posts posted by jkgt

  1. wey NY was sweet, but means funds are now low =(

    but still must crack on to get this thing turned around.

    The car now has fmic, mani, accuator and springs fitted along with ac removed. havin some issues with the fmic tho i keep blowin pipping, well the same pipe. so longer bit of hose and abit of hammer time will sort that. goin to the garage in the morn to get tracking done and fit new bov. HRF bumper i got has been reworked and strengthed, just needs painting. so all is looking good bar now needing new front discs :thumbsup:

    Need to get vinyls, induction and headlight bulbs ordered the mora too and i cant belive how much of a pain it is the get bulbs, really WTF!

    Still need to get a drivers side rear arch tho :o

    but i am aimin to have it more or less finished for rising sun so see you then!!

  2. Update!!

    Havent done anything as of yet bar new steering wheel but got most of the parts to get cracking now xD


    mani (thanks georgie)

    hks bov (thanks jezza)

    hks accuator

    hrf front bumper (massive thanks idrees)

    uprated break pads allround

    tien springs (cheap skate till coils)

    Car is goin into the garage for total body work and some parts fitted on the 29th while off to New York Baby! xD

    Still need to source (afford)

    Air filter relocation kit (s bend)


    Drivers side rear arch trim!! (if anyone can help pm me please :angry2:)

    Get wheels painted (still on the look for some Rays Volk MS-01 from jap land)

    Vinyl wrapings xD

    Also sourcing an ammo box but this is a suprise ^^

  3. eeesh it been ages, sorry to have been a bit of a let down but... now i have monies, well sorta.

    havin a few running issues with the car atm, overboosting :S for no reason too, and only in 3rd, bizzare.

    but plan of attack is, get it fixed, wheels n tyres sorted, body work, need to get my hands on a fmic + toms front bumper too but that may have to wait a lil longer

    atm i just want it running smooth and looking fresh, for rising sun in may. then work from there.

  4. oioi all.

    jkgt here from durham/newcastle sorta in the middle but am @ newcastle col...

    lad not far from me has a glanva so if outs goin down i'll drag him along too :)


    1. YoungStig EP91 N/A

    2. JonnyGt EP91 SR

    3. John ^ Dad Ep91 N/A

    4. Yazzii (my g/f EP82)

    5. Iam a leg end EP82

    6. chrissy cee ep91 Glanza


    1. Usher EP8

    2. Nismo Micra EP82 3SGT

    3. JonnySi EP91

    4. Dean-Dak EP91 (technically not hartlepool but close enough)


    1. scottyglanza

    2. jkgt ep82


    Newton Aycliffe/Darlington Area

    1. Dale10ellis10 EP91 Glanza

  5. haha!!

    am at stanley area, but potter about round gateshead,work @ asda gateshead (metrocentre)/newcastle, was on my to ma dads at houghten-le-spring when i saw said gt turbo.

    who ever it was will know who he is cus i was driving a white gt turbo n so was he!! and we had a bit chat at the roundabout at the end of the road before i shot off.

    sayin that am at whitley bay the mora night :thumbsup: coast road blast ftw !!! lol, n mate sat nav ftw, i normally get lost when i just go for a drive for drivings sake lol.

    scot-ish you goin to jae?

  6. quick update.

    bootinstall all finished sounds and looks sweet :rolleyes:

    camp nets also cover the rear seats.


    Also got a bit more boomboom ;)


    Gettin some wheels sorted should have em fitted next week hopefully, busy gettin them referbd.

  7. i'll be there :p

    and yeah what dean said ??

    and still space on the stand?? :thumbsup:


    1) Bourkey & SR + Girlfriend

    2) rob_bower & SR + Missus

    3) Craig_N & Glanza S

    4) Bluebear & Sportif

    5) Sparky & GT + someone tongue.gif lol

    6) Starbogt & GT + Wife n Kid

    7) BAZ2CRAZY+people

    8) Galliano + Galliano + mum

    9) Streetracer + "maybe" her.

    10) Ben + GlanzaV + Isla (girlfriend)

    11) Starlet Nath & SR + Wife


    13)Starlet_Tim + Starlet + A Piece Of Meat Or Bro

    14)Markoos & Glanza V + Missus

    15) Al & Glanza V + possibly missus

    16) AlexGTAdv and the slag(GT)+maybe laura

    17)Matt Glanza glanza V.maybe the missus

    18) CraGle + car full of ladies smile.gif

    19) Liam_D + Starlet

    20)CRAIG-SR + Starlet SR + Girlfriend

    21) Mikey Jay + Joey (Paseo)

    22) Starlet__SR+ starlet Sr (possibly)

    23) JAG + V smile.gif Think I'll be on my own... tongue.gif

    24) dan_evans

    25) Dean jdm ep91

    26) VPower & glanza

    27) Chanelle1234 + SR

    28) Jodielocks, Glanza + 1

    29) jimmy77 gt

    30) jkgt

  8. was playin with some mdf the other day for a boot install, will get pics up whens its finished, needs carpeted with camo :unsure:

    waitin on some camo netting and a new gear knob... in a bad habit of spending money i dont have lol, gotta love student overdrafts :p

  9. Well its all gone terribly wrong! Failed its mot :thumbsup:

    but it pointed out some other major problems :wub:

    theres a hole in the rear axle, bit of welding will sort it a treat though

    the drivers side rear arch was rubing on the tire wall and tearing it to shreads ! big problem !

    into the garage it goes to get welded and two new tires (one was on limit)

    really could do with some 15" rims, and stiffer shocks or coils to sort it proplery but funds are still a factor!

    dam people! am owed 600 quid :o !!!!!!! (rant over :thumbsup:)

    off to take those pics i promised as i totally forgot, sorry :p

  10. well today was my first day of bein able to drive my gt, and am in love :blink:

    also changed the dials to mph, fitted drink holder, camo wraped the pillars and window bits

    will get pics up soon cus am well pleased with how they came out.

    got to sort body work before i get the vinyls sorted hopefully soonish though :thumbsup:

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