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Posts posted by japcarmaniac

  1. i know they can cause overheating issues but not sure about your prob. it was just a thought as its happening now the rad has been fitted. the fact that its flickers on and off randomly could suggest a sensor issue or electrical connection to the dial.

  2. somebody with powder coating equipment can do it with a little modding of there stuff. or do it yourself using the internals of a plasma lamp and make a flocking applicator (easier).

  3. i dont know anything about the muslim faith so to comment would be ignorant but i do know that one man in history had the right idea. ENOCH POWELL. google him and read his speech made in parliment that got him fired. we would have none of this shit if he was PM.

  4. its a big file to upload and its pain in the ass to get up and running but ill try and upload with instructions. its the uk info v15 from 192.com.

    sombody give me someone to check so i can see if it works lol!

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