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Posts posted by ep91chris

  1. Yea sounds good to me mate :lol: You know if jags put up them pics any where yet ??

    nah he aint put them up yet i will let you know when he does

    Great night,

    Loved the drive back home along the Motorway,

    Glanza in slow lane, Glanza's in middle 2 lane's and GT In the Fast lane holding up all the traffic haha!

    yeah was a proper giggle dont think the people behind were too impressed lol

  2. Just thought i would make everyone aware that last night an ep82 starlet gt turbo was broken into and was pushed away and towed because the thiefs couldnt start it, this happened down my road in strood kent! just thought that i would make everyone aware that the police have said they are targeting starlets, the theifs were caught by the police with the car but i dont know what has happened since,

    so beware people this was in the medway towns in kent.


  3. I'm probably going to be, But my CV is shagged and knocks whilst i drive in a straight line so not sure it's best but hey! I was looking on GTROC and they are asking all non Japanese car's to be parked across the road haha

    haha awsome dude did you wanna meet up first somewere in the morning my mates going in his scooby and i think were going to meet and convoy down

  4. Cheers guys my aim is to get atleast 200bhp by the end of the year but as always money is the issue, yeah I'm planning to drop it about 50mm ish can't do it too much because I've got some mega speed bumps around were I live

  5. hi im new to the site 3 weeks ago i brought a standard 1997 glanza v its silver with a few little bits like 15inch alloys and a trd carbon bonnet scoop and duckfin spoiler however i have just ordered some bc coilovers for it :(

    i live in strood so anyone around gimmie a shout for any local meets. sometimes i go to revillusion on a wednesday night in the dockside multistorey anyone whos interested message me

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