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Ethan Morta

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Posts posted by Ethan Morta

  1. more like re-morgage your house- HKS Blitz lmao they cost a bomb

    i had a japspeed full system got it off ebay and matt above can back me up here it sounded sweet and lookes mean id go for one of them if your on a tight budget

    Yeah, ive heard alot about japspeed! and seen i few clips on youtube, they do sound good. Where can i get one from? Im in New Zealand.. You reckon from around here?

  2. Hey peps, can someone tell what would the option in terms of a new exhaust system..


    Shit sorry guys! Its suppose to read.... What would be the options(brands/makes etc) for a new exhaust system.

    Thanks, SOZ again :lol:

    what new exhausts could he get i think?

    Yup! spot on dude! :lol:

  3. Welcome along!! Any plans for the Glanza?

    Hey, thanks man. Um just wanna keep it pretty standard cause they sell for alot more over here. But maybe a bodykit, new exhaust system and a engine kit from ebay maybe! :lol:


  4. is insurance not optional or somethin in new zealand. just had a google and it says third party is included with road tax. any truth to them statements since i know what the nets like for info :thumbsup: .

    clean looking v. sits a wee touch high tho

    Hey, it is optional for now i think... They are tryna get 3rd party as a must because boy racer's cause too many accidents etc.. But nah it aint included with road tax! Gotta pay a shit load to have your car on the road(and we have 7!) At least $70 for to register the car, which is only for 3months(but can range from 3,6 or 12 months. $120 for 3months and like $240 for for the year) and your car also has to go for a Warrent of Fitness(WoF) which is $60 every 6months.. Yeah i know its abit too high for my liking!lol

    Peace :)

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