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Posts posted by boxy_boy

  1. its near the airbox or airfilter its just after your air filter there is a plug coming out of it

    just for an instance unplug it from the air flow meter see if it trys to rectify itself or changes its idel pattern

  2. i got really annoyed today some little brat from where i live came up my drive to knock asking if he could use my air compressor then rolled backwards down the drive fell off his bike and his bike handle bars walloped my door :( and left a nasty scratch down my door after me washing the car im goin mad id just after drying it ready to polish it grrrrrrr

  3. if you can find out a little more about the car then make your mind up about the swap but if i was you i'd would want cash too if i was gonna swap depending on what car your swapping it for

    a catergory c or d is only worth half its value on any car or model

    a proper garage should have stamped and certified a certificate to show your insurance or a new buyer so the car will gain its full market price

  4. thanks guys i have a plan for the little toyota

    custom front and rear bumper pieces same as in pic below and skirts

    lowered 50mm all round

    1.6 carina engine on throttle bodies

    stainless steel exhaust system

    gti hi torque interior


    and a new respray dunno what colour haven't decided i like the alfa romeo nuvola blue i think its called

  5. looks very tidy goto a graphics place that does designs they should be able to make an exact replica of that graphic on the side of your car they did a TRD logo for me and it looks awsome

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