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Posts posted by mick271

  1. i tried leaving my lappy charger round my friends house, in the hope it would die and i couldnt do any revision, the horrible girl brought it round that evening lols!

  2. Nope hence why I am sat here on UKSC and FaceBook haha

    lols so am i. i'm making notes too tho, so it kind of counts that i'm revising. ish.

  3. Haha yea its been distracting me all day yesterday looking at the pics and vids

    Got this assignment then four exams next week and I am done :lol:

    hope u get motivation!

  4. I had my last one today but screwed it up so I know I'll be back for a resit. I was the same, no motivation or drive whatsoever so what ever I revised didn't stick at all. :p

    i'm sure u did fine, usually works out better than u think u did.

    but thanks for the motivational speech :lol:

  5. lols i got distracted and watched your attempt at drifting.

    lols unlucky! got many more to come?

    i finish next friday and thats it no more uni :lol:

  6. nothing is keeping me motivated!

    i'm shut away in my study and have been for the best part of a week.

    i'm losing the will to live.

    i havent seen another person in two days, i'm going stir crazy!

    it wants to be worth it.

    another 11 days to go.

  7. if u do go back, go back under the condition u have a contract, as u have no idea where u stand with the business.

    get in touch with the citizens advice and they'll give u some details. in the mean time, i would keep in touch with the manager, and talk to him go over your bosses head and u should get u want, but play it calm, dont go in all pushy. :lol:

  8. Good advice there :lol:

    I do business management at uni but cover stuff like this.

    If the guy has a history and a few "run ins" with business related issues before, then that may also work in your favour, but you cannot just get the sack without prior warning etc, or not being told you are doing something wrong.

    Let us know what happens


    good luck with the degree! i'm in my final year and revising for my exams like right now. its dreadful! i dream about michael porter ha :p

  9. lols my degree is finally finding uses!

    did u sign a contract?

    if so do u have a copy?

    r u sure u've never recieved any warnings before?

    do u know your job title and job description?

    is there a cleaner?

    is the business part of a chain?

    can u go over the guys head and talk to a member of senior management?


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