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Posts posted by DaddyDutch

  1. Well, kind of. We left a strip running down following the shape of the door as you can see n some pictures above. Basically a piece of ally is going to be rivet bolted to that strip, then bent round the curve of the wheel on the side of the chassis kind of thing then sprayed black.

    You'll see what I mean when it's done though!

    Got big plans for aero, which I did start a while ago but ditched it for the time being and now i'm picking it all back up again.

    Being different is key, I can't stand everyone who moans at people being different. I'm the guy who doesn't give a fuck about running no carpet on a daily, or cutting stuff out and shit like that. I don't care lol, it can go back to how it was easily enough soooo why not be different!? :)

    I hear you mate, always great to see someone having the guts & bollocks to go against the stream. Good on ye.

    I've got this thread bookmard now, so I'll be keeping my eyes on it.


    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  2. IMAG0401_zpse1b10ac4.jpg

    Was thinking you'd cut a chunk off the bottom, are you going filling it, or what are the plans??

    I like it, always refreshing to see somene doing there own thing.

    I prefer Black V's with Amber corners, but again that's just me.. :) :) :thumbsup:

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