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Oh No, Here we go again ....

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Well It seems like the curse of car ownership is coming to rest its expensive hand upon my head..

Today I was bored, so I left it to the Glanza to cheer me up.

Went for a wet (and very very very fun) trip over the tops of yorkshire/lancashire.

All was going VERY well until I hit the m65.. Then at perhaps 60MPH a loud noise in which ive wracked my brain to describe started. It can only be described like this, When its windy and you hear the wind outside? like REALLY windy? Its like that. It stays until you slow down, THEN it stops and its fine? The car by the way drives just as it did before? I cant even suggest what it is? Its such a hard noise to describe?

Im aware that the suspension kit im on may become to the point of needing replacement. But I dont see how it could bring a noise at the certain speeds? and its not a noise like that gets higher or lower in sound/verosity its just a drone?

When it stops PISSING down I'll have a close look?

Although it wont help, Im fkn useless at cars!

Im absolutely Stumped?

Any Ideas?

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ive been told ts thae same as the corolla hatch of the same year for the bearings. but im not 100% as the person who told me is sometimes full of shit. check it out cause most people keep them in halfords dont as ive tryed to make them an all starlet shop but they just took that under advisment.

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