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im going seriously mental

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i got clamped again today thts the 3rd time...and will total £120. ive had so much work what with exams i forgot wear the starbo was parked....

its a private company, is there any possible way of removing it? i managed to get the wheel off but nothing unless i take the wishbone ( i think) off..lol


:rolleyes: Tom

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i always wondered if it were possible to cut through one of those clamps with a mini angle grinder without ruining your wheels

anyway... i don't see how u would need to remove the wishbone for it.....

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nope if its damaed your buggerd...lol i was very careful, just being curious tbh

guna get the bitch taken off 2moz

wrse thing is the guys all friendly, all i wana do is give him a swift kick in the head nd take his keys..:rolleyes:

its kingston uni, they take the piss, charge u for everything!

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oh they have a chain on your one.. now i havnt seen that on one before, i never seen a chain on the one that they use at my collage.

they sound like right tight f**ker in your place.

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oh they have a chain on your one.. now i havnt seen that on one before, i never seen a chain on the one that they use at my collage.

they sound like right tight f**ker in your place.

I've not seen the chain ones either. I dunno if it will work, but 'sometimes' on the solid ones, you could deflate your tyre, slide the clamp off and if you took it back to the police station and said you had 'found' it you could get away with it. Don't know if that still works now.

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If it is the third time by the same company cut the Fecker off and throw it at them.

They are clearly taking the piss out of you there. Make a formal complaint to the University if you have to. Im not sure on the licensing aspect of things but there are a lot of companies doing it without a license like cowboys to make money.


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If it is the third time by the same company cut the Fecker off and throw it at them.

there are a lot of companies doing it without a license like cowboys to make money.


Hmm... might go and clamp random peoples cars then :rolleyes: I need the moneys, I'll make sure they are pink though :rolleyes: whos gona complain about a pink clamp :)

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