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Hi guys, non jap owner here.

Got this site recommended to me by a mate down the road who owns a starlet 1.3 turbo (bloody quick for a 1.3!!)

Anyways I am a vauxhall man myself, had varies novas (1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0 8v, 2.0 16v, 2.0 16v Turbo (280bhp)), calibras and more recently an ex-police 3.0 24v senator and my supercharged 2.0 project carlton.

Reason I am here is because the senator is being sold as it drinks fuel.... a lot!!! The carlton is the weekend toy and I need a small daily driver. I did consider a starlet but they seem to hold their value for a decent manual B) .

I do have a 1.3 8v Vauxhall Nova engine here (single cam, multi point injection) that I bought with a T2 turbo bolted to the front, the previous owner did the most horrific bodge to pump in more fuel for the turbo - this was binned and I need a cheap way of fuelling this engine - it will go into a little nova for work.

Had loads of ideas of extra fuelling but seeing my mates starlet engine I had the idea of buying the management and all sensors off a 1.3 turbo starlet engine and retrofitting them onto my engine. The only two fiddly bits I can see are fabricating an adaptor to drive the distributer (that also houses the cam sensor) and the engine loom itself - can anyone confirm the starlet's engine loom is integral with the cars general loom??

Anyways I will be asking a few technical questions on the starlets management and sensor requirements, also trying to source some parts.


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hey mate welcome to the club, the loom does not have an obd port so i think theres is a possebility but im not sure why you would use a starlet loom on your nova tbh just sounds alot more hastle than its worth

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hey mate welcome to the club, the loom does not have an obd port so i think theres is a possebility but im not sure why you would use a starlet loom on your nova tbh just sounds alot more hastle than its worth

On vauxhalls the engine loom is totally independant of the cars loom, they only meet via a large multiplug for power and sensor outputs for the dashboard dials etc...

My friend is pretty sure that the starlet's engine loom and car loom are interconnected, I just wanted to know whether this was true or false.

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