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hey everyone im new and was wondering if you could help me with a problem , rite i was drving on the motorway last night and booted it and as it got to high revs a shit load of smoke come out my exhaust think it was black , and theres oil flying out the dump valve as well :S a mate told me it could be the turbo valves blown , or the whole turbo altogether! ;) help!

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ITS possible the seals in the turbo are away, but if iirc i think the smoke should be blue for that

is it sill smoking now. also check the oil level?

whats your spec?

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Black smoke is usually overfueling could just have been a load of carbon build up being blown out the exhaust as you booted it, oil out of the dump valve is an engine dying i'm afraid. It may be the valve stem seals but i'm not 100% on that though. I doubt it's the tubby.

WTF is a turbo valve by the way???? :thumbsup:

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hey everyone im new and was wondering if you could help me with a problem , rite i was drving on the motorway last night and booted it and as it got to high revs a shit load of smoke come out my exhaust think it was black , and theres oil flying out the dump valve as well :S a mate told me it could be the turbo valves blown , or the whole turbo altogether! :thumbsup: help!

black smoke could be due to too much fuel but if u havnt changed any mods then its unlikly. if you have dirty injectors then it can cause them to dripple instead of spray so you wont get correctly atomised so will chuck out clouds of black smoke

oil in dump vavle is not a good sign strip diff parts off and try to work out where its comming from

hopethis helps

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