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Just read the post, nice 98 spec mate.

Can't beat it for that price!

Underseal is basically a coat that will protect the underside from weathering - tar, grit etc. The sooner the better as always, not got around to even doing mine yet.

As for an alarm, cat 1 as always - insurance approved with a lower premium.

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We met him in a carpark then he drove us back to his but he rang me to find out what car he was supposed to be looking for

Then when i said a Toyota Starlet.

Think that confused him a touch at first then my dad and i did the rounds over the car while he stood watching

Duno wether im gna like that when i sell the SR someone critesising your beloved car to bits..

Although he only brought it to sell it on so spose he didnt have that kind of bond with it


Did try tell me they had no rear speakers as standard tho n i just stood there thinkin naaa they've got big body ones on the rear shelf but its missing them 2 sadly :p

So il try get my mits on some of them in the coming months hopefully

But il just have to put up with turbo noises til then :)

He also said about he'd rather give it to me at a cheaper price and i look after it like i had mine :p

As oppose to sum dirty gypo rag the hell out of the poor little thing so good on him :lol:


Just seen i missed Alarm off the previous shopping list.... lol

Silly JAG

Asap Alarm and cambelt it is followed by underseal :)

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