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Hey people,

Took off my old inlet mani a few weeks ago, but accidentally tore a hose ;) and cant remember where it went to because I must have thrown away the other side. Does anyone know where it leads to from the (new) mani and how long it is roughly? Here's a pic of the one I mean


Also, does anyone know where I could get the longer map sensor hose (the one with the circular valve thing) as the mani didnt come with any hoses..Should I order a (corolla?) one direct from Toyota, or can I just use a regular hose with the same diameter?

Thanks in advance! :lol:

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The hose circled goes to the fuel pressure regulator? leads to roughly the same place on the corolla mani if you look around the area you will see where it goes...if left disconnected engine noise changes.

For the MAP hose it MUST be connected (really really poor running if left disconected).....for the time being unbolt it and connect it, any hose of the same diameter will do just go round the scrappys looking at toyotas youll defo find one long enough.

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will be able to used a regular hose with same diameter...think is same size as screen wiper wash hose ... goes in the fuel regular the small thing at the end of fuel rail... here a picture hope that helps..


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