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Dont You Just Hate

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Racist people!

Applied for a job all nice and well over the phone.

Went to have a face to face interview and the women kept asking if i had a criminal record.

From my previous job i had a crb check and was all clear and had that letter to provide her.

But she stuck to her guns and dint belive me and dint offer me the job.

Silly cow

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I no i was relying on this job been waiting long enough for the interview aswell! Appealing i guess isnt worth it as by the time anything happens it will all be forgoten about! Back down the job centre i guess!

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Who do i get in touch with to report it? the bearu? i even handed the letter to her hands she brifley glanced at it and put it to the side like it wasnt even there!

emm i cant remember off the top of my head i will try to find out though

can anyone else remember


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i think i might have missed something here but how was she racist? because she asked if you had a criminal record? why is that racist? if you were an employer would you not want to know if an employee had a criminal record?

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Ok so whats your name mate??

Obviously if you have a foreign type name and she was being racist you wouldnt have had the interview in the first place??

doesnt matter what his name is, the employer or interviewer wasnt being racist. all they did was ask if he had a criminal record. does my head in when because some1 doesnt get a job for a genuine reason and they start playing the race card. fucking pathetic.

sorry to hear you never got it mate but saying that is the lowest of the low

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doesnt matter what his name is, the employer or interviewer wasnt being racist. all they did was ask if he had a criminal record. does my head in when because some1 doesnt get a job for a genuine reason and they start playing the race card. fucking pathetic.

sorry to hear you never got it mate but saying that is the lowest of the low

mans got a point the race card is getting used far to often now, maybe she did those things you said maybe she did not like you we have all been at interviews like that where they didn't like us thats not racism.

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