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all worried now after the broken window that my cars gonna get nicked. just wonderin that without the key fob will my imobiliser stop a theft and will the steering lock stop it aswell. ill sleep easier know that even if they get in they can takje my cd player but not the car.

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all worried now after the broken window that my cars gonna get nicked. just wonderin that without the key fob will my imobiliser stop a theft and will the steering lock stop it aswell. ill sleep easier know that even if they get in they can takje my cd player but not the car.

Best off taking the King lead or somthing like that off so the car wont start, and it will make you feel a little beter lol :)

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When I'd locked my only key inside the car, and the AA man came to retrieve it for me it only took him ~30 seconds to break into my car to get me my keys back, so if you don't have an alarm or immobiliser I'd be very scared.

But seeing as you do it should be fine, just as mentioned above remove a major component, it'd help you sleep better at night.


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A car thief can steal any car that they want !

Having a thatchem approved alarm / imobiliser will make it 10 times harder to start.

As said above remove a part from the engine bay like a coil lead or a main fuse just to make things harder for a thief.

Hope you get the glass fixed soon.

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Set up the drivers seat with a booby trap lol but remember its there for when you get in and drive haha

But on a serious note, king lead or remove a fuse is a good idea, they will probably just panic when it doesnt start/turn over


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haha i like the trap idea

like leave a big tray of paint on the seat and if someone tries getting in BAM soggy slimy coloured arse haha

uwww or if your really cruel put a load of drawing pins on the seat muahahahaha ideas coming fast now haha

just remember there there when you get in though haha

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lol ill just end up trapping me on a monday morning :).

im still confused of what happened with the silver starlet. as window smashed and door opened but there was shit loads of stuff on the drivers seat that was not moved or even touched. money in the ashtray on the passenger seat which was not touched ( was just change, but tis the ghetto ). makes me think if they were scared away by someone or just broke in and saw that there were wires hangin everywhere and no cd player to have and the handbrake seased on with no steering wheel and then legged it.

I've found myself talking about this alot today. its relly gettin to me that i dunno what happened and its cost me actual money. should have said all that in the thread about the window but the time was right so meh :o.

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nah the silver one wasnt even connected to the battery. but do they even come with an alarm standard ? turns out 5 vans also got broken into at the weekend and tools stolen so might have been the same people.

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do what i did hook up to alarms :) well i didn't want to but if i remove one the car won't start but thats all it dose the second one is the best and noise's it flash all the lights and i mean all sound the horn turn on the wipers the cd player and all it takes is a bit of wind and its off

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