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TGTT is where the big dawgs roll, it isn't a playground, it's serious.

I find it ok really, it actually has a nice community on there, but each to their own.

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its another starlet forum dude! Get wit it LOL!

Its a very opinionated place! You get used to it to be fair, its always clash of the titans.

I dont see the point people opening threads up on this site tho.

And no im not digging directly at you before you bit my head off :)

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its another starlet forum dude! Get wit it LOL!

Its a very opinionated place! You get used to it to be fair, its always clash of the titans.

I dont see the point people opening threads up on this site tho.

And no im not digging directly at you before you bit my head off :)

Sorry was having a rant and needed to share lol

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