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didnt effect me at all

phoned up a few insurance companies and said i have thre points for 47 in a 40 and they all just said its only three points so wont effect my insurance

to many people now a days have 3 points so doesnt matter

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Word of advice hill bill.

Contest the ticket; ask for all documentation regarding the incident in question. You want to make sure the camera they used was legitimate and working correctly with adequate signs and where they were situated on the day. Basically do your best to keep the ticket hovering, the longer the better. Have seen this resort to a court case, whereby the sentence was thrown out and the defendant free of all charges.

My 2 cents!

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if they were hidin they cant nick you.. i thought they were only allowed too fine u if they were visible too the eye? or if it was one of those new police vans that apprently have the cameras on the top of them facing forward and back n can detect u speedin n instantly nick you? dont no if theyre rumours but heard a few people talkin bout them .. :lol:

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