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My car keeps overheating !

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Hello guys i have a bit of a issue :)

Basically a few weeks ago i was heading up to bluewater shopping centre for the car meet down there. And as i was approaching on the motorway shit loads of steam was pouring out of my engine baby :p

So i pulled over str8 away and check coolant had fuck all so topped her up with water !! This got me home and we thought right first issue that was most likely to cause this was a dodgey Thermostat.

So i have changed that day before japfest. So 2 weekends on from japfest and i went modified nationals!! On the way there my temp gauge was fine then we saw steam coming from my bay again :p pulled over switched her off and no coolant again. Soo topped her up and made way for Mod Nats. Got there fine. Then today we have driven back and steam again and temp gauge was up to pretty much the top. No coolant again.

I was wondering if anyone had anything like this before ?? I believe it may be a headgasket :p i am really gettin cheesed of with this now and tbh would just like all my problems to be sorted :(

Anyone got any advise ??


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Sounds like headgasket, have a look under your oil filler cap, is there any creamish residue underneath it?

Hello guys i have a bit of a issue :)

Basically a few weeks ago i was heading up to bluewater shopping centre for the car meet down there. And as i was approaching on the motorway shit loads of steam was pouring out of my engine baby :p

So i pulled over str8 away and check coolant had fuck all so topped her up with water !! This got me home and we thought right first issue that was most likely to cause this was a dodgey Thermostat.

So i have changed that day before japfest. So 2 weekends on from japfest and i went modified nationals!! On the way there my temp gauge was fine then we saw steam coming from my bay again :p pulled over switched her off and no coolant again. Soo topped her up and made way for Mod Nats. Got there fine. Then today we have driven back and steam again and temp gauge was up to pretty much the top. No coolant again.

I was wondering if anyone had anything like this before ?? I believe it may be a headgasket :p i am really gettin cheesed of with this now and tbh would just like all my problems to be sorted :(

Anyone got any advise ??


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you can have a head gasket failure without getting milky residue on the cap. not very often but don't take no creamy cap as gospel.


TB Developments

Ahh i was unaware of that, cheers Tim. So a compression test would be the best option to rule this out then?!

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Right hmmm gunna go test a few things today as u lot have said was going to do a sniff test in my radiator !! Will do a compression test and also will rev engine to see if any bubbles !! However it has to be HG as nothing else would effect it

I dont believe


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Right hmmm gunna go test a few things today as u lot have said was going to do a sniff test in my radiator !! Will do a compression test and also will rev engine to see if any bubbles !! However it has to be HG as nothing else would effect it

I dont believe


Try the car idling with the reservior cover off, if it bubbles up through there it would suggest the headgasket aswell! Just remembered my A3 showed similar signs to this and thats what i did!

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you can have a head gasket failure without getting milky residue on the cap. not very often but don't take no creamy cap as gospel.


TB Developments

yeah you can get this from just going short distances too either head gasket mate or could be radiator leak??

you can always try a cooling system pressure test to see if theres a pin hole in a pipe or radiator core has gone for the sake of half hour mate could save you money if it aint the gasket......be easier to see the leak if its under more pressure than normal running pressure (about 13psi??) i think lol..

have you had any oil pressure light on?? or staying on longer than usual?? may signify thinner oil if water mixing with it??

hope it helps dude ste :)

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