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Metcallic Screeching noise

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Hello all

For the past couple of weeks i've been getting a metallic screeching noise when i turn left (even on a three point turn) and is very annoying. However it seems to do this loudly when i start my car set off and do the first 4 turns (get some funny looks from people i go past) and then quietens down (whic is puzzling) after this if i take any left turns slowly then there is no more noise but if i take say a left turn at around 30mph (i.e curved road) then it can still be heard but seems to be quieter that when i start initially driving.

I'm very puzzled by this as to

1. What it can be, i've had it inspected by the garage fully on the ramps and they cant find anything at all, plus when i take it there the noise mainly gone and the test drive doesn't show anything?

2. Why does it happen for the first 4 left turns and then goes away, however if i set off driving again after say a couple of hours the noise comes back again for the 4 left turns and quietens down again.

Surely if something is catching or rubbing it should constantly be doing it, i've asked around and nobody seems to have an answer. The brake shields don't seem to be touching.

Any info or advice from the experts on here would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks

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Thanks for you replies

However do you have the same situation as the noise going away after taking a few turns of it is constant on each turn. Like i said its confusing as after 4 left turns the noise suddenly almost goes away or is a quieter depending on how quickly i take a left turn.

Is it something to do with metal retracting to its normal position?

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