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HELP, Blowing Exhaust?

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Hi, I Think my exhaust is blowing but after an internet serach I'm still not 100% sure. I could do with some advice helping my diagnosis.

It started tueday, seemed fine monday. There doesn't seem to be any noticeable effcet to preformance or mpg. When idle there is a light blowy sound from the exhaust then when I'm driving 40 - 70 Its much louder and can be heard in the car and still seems to becoming from the back end. I did film inside the car so I could post that but you cant really hear the sound properly, it actually made the car sound better lol

I've also noticed some water at the end of my pipe but assuming this is because its so cold at the monent.

does this sound like a blowing exhaust OR could be something much worse than the exhaust?


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Chances are it will be a blowing exhaust mate there isnt much else that would make that kind of noise.

Just go to a local garage and ask them to check it if your not a competent diy mechanic yourself they can fire it up on a ramp and check it for you.

Its pretty easy to identify a blowing exhaust so if your not sure that it is then its difficult for me to explain.

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Cheers Stu, thats good to know.

I'm 95% sure its blowing but want a 2nd opinion, I think its blowing but not sure as only had motorbike experience before and this is a different sound...

the garage near by want a tenner for a diagnosis (my local one does it free). Plus I've been there once before and their a bit too salesey, I just dont trust them...

I'm gonna go buy some gloves and cover the end with my hand because I heard that if its blowing I should see smoke coming out elsewhere, do you know if this is (always) true?

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Just take it to your local garage either that or jack it up yourself and have a roll about underneath ull soon follow the noise to the leak or u can put your hands around where you think its coming from (obviously not touching the hot exhaust) and you will feel the hot gases coming out of where it is leaking.

Yes you can use your hand to make a tight seal at the exit pipe and if its leaking the gases will come out of the leak obv the gases are not coloured so you wont likely see them but you will hear them get louder.

I assume it is the standard OEM exhaust that is still fitted then?

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yeah its standard at mo, only had the car a couple of months and concentrating on looks before preformance.

I'll jack it up latter when I have a chance, had looked before but with the car on the floor.

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Pretty sure it will be the exhaust then got to keep in mind the standard exhaust has been on there best part of 20 years. The longer it has been in the UK the longer it has had to rust.

The exhausts come over here are still pretty much spot on but as soon as they are here with our ran and gritted roads they rot pretty quickly.

Best off just to get a stainless steel 1 on there. Theres always 1 for sale in the for sale or breaking section. As they are quite pricey when bought new.

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Found a garage that helped me confirm that it is just blowing (for free) and bought some putty off them, gonna put it one tomorrow.

Hole is by the back box, goona fix it now but thinking I might buy a new one in a couple of months, cant really afford a whole exhaust, unless a superduper deal comes up!

Cheers for the help stu, much appreciated

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Good stuff matey if u have a wire brush give the area a good clean before you put the paste on. If its the cream coloured stuff it will also help you if you let the car heat up a bit before putting it on as the heat will make it go tacky while your doing it and help it to stick better.

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