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rx7 top mount.. direct fit or not??

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I've just purchased one and was informed it shouldn't need any modification fit my ep91.

This one has had the original brackets removed and riveted back on in a different position. Is this normal to make them fit??

I've never fitted one before but I've mated it up quickly to get an idea and it isn't gonna bolt to any of my standard brackets that's for sure.

Can anyone shed any light on the best way to fit them or the modification needed to make them fit.


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Im not sure mate but to be honest as much as its more secure bolted down it doesnt have to be.

If the silicon hoses hold it in place secure enough that will be fine.

I know that doesnt really answer your question jus might offer some peace of mind if u jus wanna fire it on.

Edited by StuDoc 72
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Ok cheers for that.

I don't know what's going on with these modified brackets because they are way out,

I think I'll cut them off and get some brackets made as there is a metal fabrication company on the same site where I work,

I don't like the idea of not having bolted up just incase it knocks about a bit,

Can't stand unwanted sounds when I'm driving.

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