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Posts posted by TuckerEP91

  1. All sorted :) haha

    Really helps if u can read lol

    As they say LH & RH on them.

    Managed to bolt the front callipera on upside down

    Really shouldn't rush things last minute.

    O well at least I've got some lovely new fluid lol and new washers

    And a master cylinder lol

    Cheers for your help everyone


  2. Tried that already mate.

    I've just been around checking for leaks for the last hour to no success.

    Changed all copper washers on flexi hoses.

    Even put some thread tape on the nipples.

    If i pump the pedal repeatedly it will go hard

    But if I take my foot off after pumping then go

    Back to the pedal it will go spongey and will push straight to the floor after only

    Leaving it for literally 5 secs.

    Cheers for replys. Hope we can get to the bottom of this

    Didn't imagine I'd be bleeding my brakes on my bday lol

  3. hi mate cheers for your reply

    started from furthest away from master cylinder.

    so nsr then osr, nsf then osf. ive tried to pump the pedal to build pressure then release the nipple but struggle to get any pedal to do so.

    cannot find any leaks or air

    pulling out what little hair i have left, lol must be done for japfest.

  4. Hi in need of help lol

    Recently removed and painted all callipers. wish i never.

    refitted and tried to bleed through. plenty of fluid no air. no success with pedal.

    tried pressure bleeder. still no success. 10 litres of fluid later.......

    changed all copper washers on flexi hoses, and fitted new brake bleed nipples. no success.......

    bought another master cylinder as had no pedal even if hoses clamped.

    fitted master cylinder still no success..........

    bled abs pump. 15 litres of brake fluid later........ still no brake pedal. getting angry!!!!

    pedal will go slightly stiffer if pumped repeatedly but when left for 5 seconds goes straight back to floor.

    dont know where to go with this. getting annoyed.

    would appreciate any help? known problems maybe with glanza brake bleeding??

    as hoping to go to japfest

    cheers Andrew

  5. Well..... Haha.

    Flew to Glasgow early one morning

    Was -7 when I got there. Bloody freezing

    Then drove back after lunch.

    Took abt 9 hours and only used 100quid for fuel :). 650 miles

    Must admit . The bucket seat wasnt ideal for a long journey

    And The old ankle was a little sore the next day too lol.

    But was definitely worth it .

    She needs a little tidy here and there but genuinely good for the year.

    Looking forward to getting some new mods :)

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