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Dan Barnes

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Posts posted by Dan Barnes

  1. Rob they are saying to get there around 8.15-8.30pm because of the 2 hour parking they have with the cameras, so I'll be there around 8.30ish.. Leave me a space :p im definatly going to London as its a 125 mile trip just to the services for me haha

  2. Bonnet is sold!

    Mirrors, Passenger is minty, Drivers on the top the paint is coming away!

    No problem Dan, I wont steal it!!! Guess i'll get a nardi!

    Damnnnn! Can i steal the bonnet :p haha

    And that is exactly the same as my mirrors :( lol

    Id love a nardi or omp but cant afford one at the minute

    Cheers anyway bro

  3. Haha please dont steal it, im in need of it :p some good news tho Jamie, should be able to pay saturday, payday cant come quick enough this month.. :(

    Glad its gone for you but shame to be breaking it :(

    What condition are the mirrors and bonnet in ?

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