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Posts posted by scatter

  1. South Wales, RCT, I use Pitstop in ferndale for repairs and MOT - it's the only garage I use and my family have been going there for 10years or so (since we moved here). They are always really busy which I think speaks for itself. They also dont charge to tell you whats wrong with the car (as some garages do!) I totally trust them and today they cemented my blowing exhaust for free!

  2. So if I have two 60w speakers in the oem position and a sony xplod type hu I could or should use a small amp?

    It all depends on what you want from your sound system and your budget

    If you just want to hear music (which is what I understood from your initial post) I would just go with the speakers and HU

    However, if you want a fantactic clear and/or loud sound then invest more get a decent HU, hi powered speakers and an amp (which is not too powerful for your speakers - some people also believe that under powering is bad, but this is debateable) also you might want a sub if you love bass and want to feel it!

    If you do get an amp bare in mind that you will need to buy a wiring kit (£15) and wire it to the battery. You can do this yourself easy enough, should take under an hour. I've recently done it so send me a message if you want some help.

    Also you might want a wiring harness adaptor to fit your stereo. This makes wiring your stero a plug and play affair. If you dont get one its fiddleier to do and if wires are not well secured/joined they could come loose and result in a fire, which is what pursaded me to buy one. Good news is they are car specific rather than stero specific.

  3. As for running speakers without an amp, what? lol.

    lol! what? Alan I feel sorry for you if you find that funny...I'm also slightly offened as I feel you are laughing at me. Also I dont agree with your rude and sarcastic comment and niether do the professional who sold me my HU, amp, sub and speakers all at the same time.

    Yeah if they're decent hi powered 6x9's an amp i reccommended but not 100% necessary

    If you havent got use of a parcel shelf you can get 6x9 boxes which might be more practical?

    Like morgey said...best to use amp if 6x9s are hi powered but still not necessary.

    If you buy an amp more powerful than the speakers, then you'll be fine.

    What! yeah untill you turn the amp up too much and the speakers blow, err lol.

  4. Thanks for the help everyone. So took the car to my local garage, they had a look and can't see anything... All they suggested is that maybe alternator is ceasing up now and then, but they said it's hit or miss and might not be the problem. I'm going see what happens with this new belt and carry a spare belt incase it goes again...

  5. I do have time to do that danza, but as I'm new to cars not sure I would spot problem unless it's obvious... Think I'm gonna take it into the garage that fixed the 1st belt tomorrow and see what they say.

    Strangely I just drove the car 20 miles and the screeching completely stoped after a mile... But then I moved the car from bottom of street to my house and screeching was back...

  6. So my alternator belt snapped 3 weeks ago, got it fixed at gargage, then yesterday it started screeching had a long journey to do, by The end of which the brand new belt snapped off. So fitted another today, this time I fitted it, but new belt is still screeching...

    Tension seems ok but seems that belt is rubbing on the plastic cambelt cover (think that's what cover is).

    Anyone got any ideas or suggestions? Cheers

  7. @Xpect: Interesting thread, it is making me think about where I should move my speakers. Personally I've always found front speakers a bit invasive and prefer to have more sound from the rear, however, now I'm going to take your advice and have a play with my stage...

    Xpects's thread (wasn't hard to find but thought a link would be convienent for others)


  8. Found a garage that helped me confirm that it is just blowing (for free) and bought some putty off them, gonna put it one tomorrow.

    Hole is by the back box, goona fix it now but thinking I might buy a new one in a couple of months, cant really afford a whole exhaust, unless a superduper deal comes up!

    Cheers for the help stu, much appreciated

  9. Cheers Stu, thats good to know.

    I'm 95% sure its blowing but want a 2nd opinion, I think its blowing but not sure as only had motorbike experience before and this is a different sound...

    the garage near by want a tenner for a diagnosis (my local one does it free). Plus I've been there once before and their a bit too salesey, I just dont trust them...

    I'm gonna go buy some gloves and cover the end with my hand because I heard that if its blowing I should see smoke coming out elsewhere, do you know if this is (always) true?

  10. yeah I hadn't really thought about it untill you mentioned it... the way the paint comes out depends on the pressure applied, that helps artist do detailing etc. Since I'm not a graffitti king I think I might just use car spray, glad I brought this up now. Cheers.

    I also have a question for you re: grill, will pm you now

  11. Hi, I Think my exhaust is blowing but after an internet serach I'm still not 100% sure. I could do with some advice helping my diagnosis.

    It started tueday, seemed fine monday. There doesn't seem to be any noticeable effcet to preformance or mpg. When idle there is a light blowy sound from the exhaust then when I'm driving 40 - 70 Its much louder and can be heard in the car and still seems to becoming from the back end. I did film inside the car so I could post that but you cant really hear the sound properly, it actually made the car sound better lol

    I've also noticed some water at the end of my pipe but assuming this is because its so cold at the monent.

    does this sound like a blowing exhaust OR could be something much worse than the exhaust?


  12. I used fluorescent graff paint to do my pink wheels, a year later they have faded but it's good enough. Just be careful it doesn't spit out paint and it stays smooth as the nozzles are different from normal auto spray cans

    Cheers amjad, I was gonna use a medium cap and a cheap spraygun adapter I've got lying around

  13. I Should be picking some of these up on the weekend.

    Gonna try and spray them matt balck and paint the speedline detail in green (to match car) will post up pics next week hopefully.

    Was going to use graffitti spray paint, not sure if thats the best thing to do, but its what I know. Was also going to spray splitter, spoiler, wing mirrors, door handles and badges with same paint so it all matches... Anyone got any advice on paint?

  14. Awww nothing closer lol

    Can't wait scatter is this your first japfest

    Yeah man, my first car as well (Not counting the audi 80 I had for 10 days before the cambelt snapped) I'm not young thou, just a late starter lol

    This is what mine looks like at the mo mate. And urs looks alot better than mine lol


    Are you spraying that yourself? I want to do mine eventually, but no way am I paying someone a grand to do it...

  15. Nice one thanks for all this info lads very helpful, much appreciated.

    Think I will just do as you say Rob_B and replace the bushes as I'm not too keen on fiddling with the exhaust (not experienced enough at mo) plus from what I've read elsewhere front ARB does little to improve handling

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