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ashley newbert

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Posts posted by ashley newbert

  1. as bucket said but there no point on an na unless you have had some serious parts added, 5efhe cam, port polished head, manifold, exhaust, corolla injectors ( brown ), corolla manifold then a piggy back would be worth fitting in my opinion

    with emb on a standard set up your see little rise bhp

    theres a guide somewhere on here to make 100bhp out of an NA


    where can i find this guide to get it too 100bhp

  2. Your only get that low with coilovers mate, 40mm is plenty when it comes to springs ( lowest you can get ) I had 40mm PI springs was nice height and ride was brilliant for springs :)


    But I heard that starlet Sr are already lowered by 35-40 mm so it wouldnt make that much difference, im notnsure if im right its just something I heard? And JLF88 I thought about going built not bought but I want quality suspension

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