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Posts posted by !Rush!

  1. I'm now joining Bourkey offline. We are now both using Bourkey's girlfriends internet. Bourkey should be back online soon but i doubt i'll be online for a while so i'll have to use Bourkey's when he is back online.

    All internet companies are rubbish!!!!

  2. Hi all

    I've been on starburst to day a done some of the interior, It's not finished yet but half of it will be tomorrow. I'l take some photoes tomorow because it's gone dark now an I can't see a fekin thing in my car as you will have an idea as to why tomorrow.


  3. Mini Update

    I've got a week off next week, so I will be working on the starburst for most of that time, I'm putting a custom heater system in it, and a custom interior. It will still be light and have a race look but seem comfortable hopefully, i will keep it uptdated next week, as the work progresses hope you will all like it.


  4. Welcome to the site. Nice car to. About the dint on your wing if you take out the plastic gard on the inner of the wing you should be able to get behind it to push the dent out.


  5. Yeah, about the paint it's a secret but i have chosen a colour. It's not going to be finished for a while because I'm waitng for parts to arrive from a different country but most of it will be finished for the next JAE.

    I'm putting the car back on the road in a few weeks that's when alot of the car parts will be arriving and put on the car.

    I'v not finished the dash yet an it's having a different steering wheel so it should look better when it's done.

    There will be some sort of heating for the window, again I'm just waiting for bit's and bob's to sort that out.

    Just give it about a month and then you will see alot of work going on the car I promise.

    Cheers for all the replies and good coments.

  6. hi everbody sorry it's been a while since i last updated but i've been realy busy at work. Like 15 hour days but anyway i did do a bit more on the little starburst. I decided to put my dash back in my car because i still dont know if it would pass an MOT and it looks beter anyway. befor I put it in I sprayed it jet black, I think it looks realy cool I'v got to do other things to it I'm just waiting for parts. There's still no heating system going in because it's to heavy for me. Hears one picture for you to see. I'm doin more work on it this weekend hope you all like it. see you later


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