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Posts posted by Glanza-Love

  1. hahaha thats funny 'what the fuck is that!?' HAHA

    and its not epic, its shit, just shit. it serves no purpose and looks properly gay

    Hater! - Camber is full of wins. maybe not to such extent.

    but im in about camber like a hot jacuzi bath in the winter..

  2. a referred to previous posts not only this one.. youve always be quick off the bat to throw a mention about your car on other previous posts... i could look them out but am busy plus my wooden spoons not out. you dig your self into these positions lol.

    well i got on a 50/50 basis... tuning or bad driver = breaking

    145leptons = respecto on the hill oh joy.

  3. when you getting your 180 back on the road for this bout?

    x2... Typical all this talk of powerful cars..

    Never comes of anything but TALK.. get that car back on the road and for the love of god settle this endless dispute thats ravaged on since you became the owner of this sinister monster of a car.


    You guys argue about these cars but they aint even in the same class as each other, we should setup an annual Dispute maches.. one drag strip.. one track.. the best wins... could be something to bring clubs against each other.. would certainly be fun.

    PS My clio would have the floor with the lot oh ye :thumbsup:

    <3 Love

  4. Comparison by JCB...

    The starlet.. small shiffty..


    The skyline.. big comfy cruise.. but burns the fuel..


    Two worlds apart by far..

    comparing a 1.3 fwd to a 2.6 rwd - cant compare really can you.

    point is you look at it this way youll drive a 1.3 300bhp but youll forever get slagged you have a 1.3 micra on the roids... plus look like a little boy..

    where is the skyline.. respect because you have a aswome car thats complete fanj magnet and a giggle that its right out of fast and furious...

    no one wants to look like a little boy..





  5. rofl! - sorry i know its not nice to laugh but i find it hillarious how people ACTUALY steal wheels!!

    i could feel your anger mate.

    personaly.. i put locking nuts on my cars to prevent this situation mate!

    think your future wheels will have a set now eh?

    dont think youll see the wheels again but i guess its a hard lesson learned.

    hate thiefs.. just cant get passed why someone wants to steal WHEELS!

  6. Well im not often interested in this stuff. but pushing the bar on burning a poppy.. wtf.

    I dont really have a fuss with muslim's.. i have friends of all race & religion, colour doesnt make a difference

    if your a w*nker your a w*nker irespect of colour. you get bad people everywhere that would love to watch the world burn just for the hell of it.

    99% people want happyness.. love.. blahblah you know the wants in life.

    no one wants hurt pain death's

    forget the tosspots that are like that. im not tarring anyone with any brush!

    I have GREAT respect for what the army do.. put their life on the line for basicly a salary just less than mines.(which is pennies)

    these are the people who keep our country safe. if you have a relation or family member in the army..

    tell them from Captain love - Respect, your alright in my book!

    These hooligans need sorted out and the only way i see that is putting them in a room with Fritzel.

    Love. xXx

  7. The SARD Racing Radiator has a full aluminum 2-row core engineered to regulate water temperatures and guard against overheating caused from extended hard driving. Sard has maximized heat dissipation through careful research and development.

    Through core development, fin and tube pitch has been refined to bring you the coolest, most cost effective radiators. These items are a bolt-on application which can be used with the OEM fans and shrouds. Tests with the Racing Radiator have shown to consistently drop both OIL and WATER temperatures 5~10 degrees Celcius) (41~50 degrees Fahrenheit).

    tbh, you get what you pay for, and your engine should run solid as a block with insane high power.

    You do know a stock rad can be run on high power cars..

    most buy honda rads and run mega power.. no where near that price the bonus of that its a space saver option for bigger turbos + external gates that like take up space.

    you pay the price for a fat sard rad well done mate. but that could have went towards a forge engine / tubro kit

    i know where my money would have went first.

  8. look who it is its chesh

    yes phil has it right he can confirm with interparcel there was 3 failed attempts if he wishes to do so

    GLANZA LOVE you have never met me so dont judge cause im sure few people on here dont like you either

    im not going to get into way its taking me so long to post them has phil has the tracker and my number if he feels he needs to speak to me

    I Judge you by the way youve acted before. and thats why i dont really like you.

    personaly im not in the habbit of caring if people dont.

  9. ROFL. ^

    I dont want to think about the day one of my dogs get to that stage..

    pets are in familys for years.. they DO become family they are a loved one.

    sorry to hear mate, hope you cheer up, nothing worse than losing a loved one.

    their in a better place now mate!

  10. Thats just stupidity. What benefit does that have over any other radiator apart from pub talk? Holy fuck,i cant get over that lol. What a waste, gutted if a stone goes through it :)

    ^ Has common sence :)

    I just want the best parts on my car

    :) if it says "TOYOTA" on any of the parts... its the best youll get rofl.

    give me a few ££££ ill write SARD on it.

    its not really a gain on any level? is it lighter? by what like 2 grams?

    tbh you've got more money than sence.

  11. ive had my glanza for years thrashed the shiet out of it and never had one problem with mine...I cant see any other hatch out there that can match its speed once your over 200hp in them without spending a fortune for a newer car.

    Any performance car will have problems just have to go to their forums to find frustrating owners like yourself that are in the same boat with their car. I find these cars reliable and very cheap to run, maintain and easy to work on and replace parts..

    youve got your hat on firmly son..

    i really could make a comment but i wont. theres a few flaws with what you said lol but yeh ill hush

  12. I dont want to p*ss on your on your fire mate.

    I love starlets & i know people will think im "dissing" them.. but the actual fact is.. ive got what i like to call the "car hat" off now.

    basicly thats when you own a car and well no other cars better than it.. its faster its better blah blah.. you always think your cars the ultimate. thats why youll always think cars are nice but yours better..so folk say they wont get this but they really will..

    Starlets are old enough to be the same age as you brother/sister.. what ever.

    their engine capacity isnt the biggest. these machines can only take so much i dont care what anyone argues.

    we buy them we run,tune to big BHPz,service,kick the teeth out them.. we all do it, but these cars are getting old they dont have a life span of 1million years.

    my starlet was one after another... we spoke about this countless times mate.

    imo its time to strip it back and move on.

    signs like these dont go away.. they last for a few weeks then something goes.

    see the first time you see oil under your car.. from that day on your paranoid and FOREVER!! looking under there to see anymore.

    time to let your baby go now.. shes getting older.

  13. i always wanted my house to look uptodate nice bright colours not too nut job in your face obviously.

    imo the house came out the way i wanted it to, im happy and comfortable in my house.. lelly's settling in but still thinks theres a little man in our loft.. (there isnt i made sure lol) you can hear next door neighbour moving around.

    kinda lucky our neighbours are young.. my next door is a guy called gary there himself with two kids. must be tough.

    then oposite side is a friends sister. so im all cushy

    always welcome here for UKSC bev session :harhar: - no light weights plz :rtfm:

  14. Nice turn-around mate :harhar: Love the feature wall aswell.

    Wont look like that in a years time though, will be toys and wee ones stuff everywhere lol.

    thats why its the only wall with wallpaper.. if the little one draws on it al cry lol!

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