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Posts posted by Lukey_B

  1. so is that one wire from each of the sidelights? can the n/a "button" (where the hi/lo boost should be) be used as a button?or do i actually need to buy something? or can i sort of knock it out lol

  2. Hey, can anyone upload some pictures of how they have wired their fogs up, whether it is the wires to the switch, or wires from the fogs to whatever power source your using - such as the sidelights?

    any help appreciated- cheers

    Lukey 'B'

  3. most cameras cause more accidents than stop them... but these average ones may cut how many accidents actually occur...

    this may be a good idea for such places as 'Rubix_Cube' mentioned, but it is just one other money making schemes to add to all their other money making schemes... the amount of money the government creats is astonishing...and what can you actually say they've spent money on that's actually good ? fuck all, don't know about you lot, but around here, we have really fucking stupid/pointless pieces of crap art... and they keep rippin' money off the hard working people... by any means necessary - i dont agree with smoking, but smokers have been hit - their costing more and more, petrol prices rising, all this new car tax bollocks, alcohol prices rise... and i think someone mentioned before, it won't be long before they start taxing us to breathe ;-)... i really would NOT put it past them!

    but as someone else mentioned in this thread... driving around without a licence plate on is such a great idea - you get a lot less shit out of it lol. so thats the tip for the future, fuck the government, rip your licence plates off. end of.

  4. haha your the first person on here to realise.... well maybe not realise, but actually say anything! ahha,

    yeah, it's coming off when i get a new exhaust man - cant be done with that, it was only on for a laugh and too annoy my mother and the mrs :) hahah

    do you notice much of a noise difference?

  5. lol my car has done in excess of 109k and its brilliant, jsut need the occasional thing replacing... but hardly ever tbh! i mean, usual wear and tear things, whereas my other mates have to replace lodas on their cars... the jap's build brilliant cars. thats all we have here :-) good old Toyota/Suzuki ;)

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