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Posts posted by BIGGFOOT

  1. Ahh right well if my feet are bigger I should have that title haha size 18's? Lol oj how about BIGGFOOT ? Also I've tried posting a greddy emanage blue for sale twice and it hang uploaded the ad?


  2. theres a lad on here selling a freshly rebuilt + rotated one for £100 im just saving for it now :) bought half size rad today and fitting kit, hopefully sorted a cheap mani out ........just need someone to hardwire my emanage in or get a field harness (which id prefer) :/

  3. Hi lads and ladies just bought a half size civic rad and ep91 fitting kit wondering how everyone has set their fans up?!? Obviously the standard ones aren't right any ideas or links to where I can get a fan and guides for fitment? Cheers in advance rob

  4. Nice one dj :) and I almost bought a wepr kit with turbo smart external so I had a read up on them and this is the route I want to go down hks tdo4 sounds expensive tho lol pm me kei

  5. Here's a list of things I want but don't need for my v I don't mind second hand stuff Aslong as it's clean and works ok ... Inbox me info and pics or pm me and I'll send my number for whatsApp 👍 thanks in advance

    S/s ct9 or mild steel tdo4 exhaust manifold

    Grooved drilled discs front and back

    Td04 preferably rotated allready no smoke etc

    Woodern flat back interior peice (stencil?)

    All bits needed for tdo4 conversion

    3 bar map sensor and harness for emanage blue

    Somewhere or someone to fit emanage blue lol

    Any help much appreciated 😎

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