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Everything posted by maccer

  1. <br /><br /><br />red landies don't go up hills tis a well known fact and ya can't beat the 88 inch wheel base but hybrids aint my thing I'm a leaf spring man. just got an insurance quote on dexs gt and they only want 1700 3rd party fnf so hopefully ill be takein a look at it this weekend
  2. doin a quote now and then ill let ya know ty for fast reply
  3. well any chance ya could gimme a few details n a price and if possible the reg so i can do an insurance cheak and where bouts r ya
  4. oo how long till yall sell it because me landies mot runs out on the 11th of july and to get her throught will be expencive because ive snapped and bent bent the passange door piller back about an inch at the bottom and pushed a bump stop on the rear through the chasey so now theres a perfectly rectangular hole ya could fit both hands in
  5. thanks for the advice just got back from the bank after takin out a £7500 now im thinking OOPS might not have been such a good idea after all. ive been looking for insurance and cant find any where online that have the glanza or gt turbo a but looked at sportif insureance and it came to 1300 fully comp i live in a high risk area according to my current insurance company but im gettin a driveway done pretty soon so if the insurance starts high and i can then get it down with the drive then thats not a problem EDIT just got this e mailed to me Insurer: Sabre Premium: £5,736.1
  6. ya laughin at the landie if ya get the chance to get behing the wheel of 1 there a lot of fun on and off road but waters the best
  7. unlucky ive had a few crashes bet never a write of then again there were in a land rover and were fixabel with a big hammer or if the hammer wenrt big enough a swing shovel. glad your ok though
  8. hi there goin to the bank later to get a loan and then im off to buy a 1996 starlet since i passed my test in febuary ive been drivin a 30 year old land rover but doing 12 miles to the gallon and a top speed of 78 down hill wobbleing like hell isnt an option any more i wanted some thing a bit sporty ive seen a few starlets about n like the look. takein the landie to local car parks i got the piss taken but when i wacked it into rear wheel drive i could doughnut better than any car and burnouts were pretty long as well and a 12 inch sub and 2 subbed 4 inch speakers kicked out some loud music pe
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