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Posts posted by BJShipley

  1. Sorry to see man that sucks! We wanted to get behind you on track with focus rs haha. Nice talking to you mate. Pm me if interested but the clio williams from track day today may be for sale if interested? Awesome car with spares to i believe.


  2. I think Donnington would have been a much better place to have the show. Rockingham was a bit of a ball ache. The stand and coordination from the marshals were awful and as said above cramming us into that small space was shocking...

    Track was awful to watch and bloody miles away from everything else. They were hardly any shops unless you were wanting some stickers lol. Drifting was packed into a small area covering nearby cars in rubber and dust. Bloody speakers which rattled the bandstand causing no end of dust and stuff to fall onto all our cars as we were directly underneath it. I'm afraid I don't think rockingham is for me. It wasn't the worst show but by far not the best...

    The convoy down was perhaps the best part dare i say and i really enjoyed the most. Was nice to see and speak to a few people too, hope everyone made it back okay! :)


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